Page 19 - NAUTILUS_122-1_Garilli
P. 19

V. Garilli, 2008                                               Page 37

may form angles of 10° to 210°. Aperture wide, ovate,          KIGR 18/529 coll. Garilli); paratype 34 (4.05 × 2.8 mm),
comprising 1⁄2 to 3⁄5 of the total height; 2⁄3 to 3⁄4 of last  GNHM ID 30.722 (ex KIGR 19/530 coll. Garilli);
whorl height. Outer lip orthocline (slightly curved), in-      paratype 35 (4.95 × 3.25 mm), GNHM ID 30.723 (ex
ternally smooth, externally markedly thickened close to        KIGR 20/531 coll. Garilli); paratype 36 (not measured),
lip edge and covered by spiral cords. Inner lip moder-         GNHM ID 30.724 (ex KIGR 21/532, coll. Garilli);
ately arcuated and rather thickened in the columellar          paratype 37 (not measured), GNHM ID 30.725 (ex
area, where a very narrow umbilical chink occurs.              KIGR 22/533, coll. Garilli). Holotype and Paratypes
                                                               4–17, from the lower Pleistocene of Cartiera Mulino,
Type Locality: Lower Pleistocene of Cartiera Mulino            3D1 bed of Costa (1989), Vittoria, Ragusa, southeastern
(36°56Ј57Љ N, 14°34Ј03Љ E), Vittoria, Ragusa, southeast-       Sicily. Paratypes 1–3 from the same locality, 3D2 bed of
ern Sicily. The stratotype is the 3D1 layer of Costa           Costa (1989). Paratypes 18–22 and 24–35 from the
(1989).                                                        middle to upper Pleistocene of Kyllini, northwestern
                                                               Peloponnesus, N2 and H6 beds of Garilli et al. (2005a),
Type Material: Holotype (4.0 × 2.7 mm), DGUP                   respectively. Paratypes 36 and 37, same locality, from the
CMRG 12/496, coll. Garilli; Paratype 1 (4.6 × 3.2 mm),         lower to early middle Pleistocene P3 layer of Garilli
ZMA Moll. 4.07.014 (ex CMRG 13/497 coll. Garilli);             (2005b) and from a late lower Pleistocene yellowish to
paratype 2 (not-complete shell, 3 mm width), ZMA Moll.         reddish sandy layer about 50 m underlying the F14 bed
4.07.08 (ex CMRG 014/498 coll. Garilli); paratype 3 (3.6       of Garilli and Galletti (2007), respectively.
× 2.55 mm), DGUP CMRG 15/499, coll. V. Garilli;
paratype 4 (4.5 × 3.3 mm), DGUP CMRG 16/500, coll.                Another four, uncatalogued paratypes are housed in
Garilli; paratype 5 (3.8 × 2.5 mm), MNHN A25951 (ex            DSTC (1 sh. from 3D1, 1 sh from 3D2 and 2 shells from
CMRG 17/501, coll. Garilli); paratype 6 (3.85 × 2.75           3C bed of Costa, 1989, all from the lot n° 18, as Galeo-
mm), ZMB MB.Ga.2480 (ex CMRG 18/502, coll.                     dina carinata (Da Costa). One more uncatalogued
Garilli); paratype 7 (3.6 × 2.4 mm), ZMB MB.Ga.2481            paratype (ex CMRG 030/534 coll. Garilli), from the type
(ex CMRG 19/503, coll. Garilli); paratype 8 (3.8 × 2.6         locality, 3D1 layer, is in coll. MF (Prato).
mm), DGUP CMRG 20/504, coll. Garilli; paratype 9 (3.6
× 2.6 mm), DGUP CMRG 21/505, coll. Garilli; paratype           Etymology: The species is dedicated to my wife Ro-
10 (3.95 x 2.6 mm), DGUP CMRG 22/506, coll. Garilli;           saria.
paratype 11 (4.2 × 2.75 mm), DGUP CMRG 23/507,
coll. Garilli; paratype 12 (3.7 × 2.55 mm), DGUP CMRG          Material Examined: The type material from the
24/508, coll. Garilli; paratype 13 (3.9 × 2.5 mm), DGUP        lower Pleistocene of Cartiera Mulino, Vittoria, Ragusa,
CMRG 25/509, coll. Garilli; paratype 14 (3.7 × 2.55 mm),       SE Sicily, 18 shs, and from the late lower (1 sh., from a
DGUP CMRG 26/510, coll. Garilli; paratype 15 (3.5 ×            reddish to yellowish sandy bed about 50 m underlying
2.6 mm), DGUP CMRG 27/511, coll. Garilli; paratype 16          the F14 bed of Garilli and Galletti, 2007), lower to
(4 × 2.6 mm), DGUP CMRG 28/512, coll. Garilli;                 middle (2 shs, layer P3 of Garilli et al, 2005b), and
paratype 17 (3.9 × 2.7 mm), DGUP CMRG 29/513, coll.            middle to upper Pleistocene (13 shs, layer H6; 4 shs,
Garilli; paratype 18 (3.6 × 2.45 mm), GNHM ID 30.706           layer N2) of Kyllini, Elea, NW Peloponnesus, Greece.
(ex KIGR 3/514 coll. Garilli); paratype 19 (4 × 2.7 mm),
GNHM ID 30.707 (ex KIGR 4/515 coll. Garilli);                  Habitat: In the type locality, the species was mainly
paratype 20 (4.5 × 2.7 mm), GNHM ID 30.708 (ex KIGR            recovered from the layers 3D1 and 3D2 which were
5/516 coll. Garilli); paratype 21 (4.7 × 3.4 mm), GNHM         linked to the ecotone SVMC-HP (sensu Pérès and Pi-
ID 30.709 (ex KIGR 6/517 coll. Garilli); paratype 22 (4.4      card, 1964) by Costa (1989). In the Kyllini sites, this
× 2.9 mm), GNHM ID 30.710 (ex KIGR 7/518 coll.                 species was found in cerithids-trochids-rissoids assem-
Garilli); paratype 23 (4 × 2.55 mm), GNHM ID 30.711            blage linked to the present biocenosis HP, characterized
(ex KIGR 8/519 coll. Garilli); paratype 24 (3.35 × 2.5         by the phanerogam Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) De-
mm), GNHM ID 30.712, (ex KIGR 9/520 coll. Garilli);            lile, 1813 (See Garilli et al. (2005a); Garilli et al. (2005b),
paratype 25 (2.9 × 1.95 mm), GNHM ID 30.713 (ex                and Garilli and Galletti (2007) for more detailed infor-
KIGR 10/521 coll. Garilli); paratype 26 (not-complete          mation about the paleoecological characteristics of the
shell), GNHM ID 30.714 (ex KIGR 11/522 coll. Garilli);         cited Kyllini strata.)
paratype 27 (4.15 × 2.65 mm), GNHM ID 30.715 (ex
KIGR 12/523 coll. Garilli); paratype 28 (4.0 × 2.6 mm),        Distribution: The species has a lower to middle-upper
GNHM ID 30.716 (ex KIGR 13/524 coll. Garilli);                 Pleistocene stratigraphic range, presently limited to SE
paratype 29 (not-complete shell, 3.85 mm), GNHM ID             Sicily and NW Peloponnesus, being recorded from the
30.717 (ex KIGR 14/525 coll. Garilli); paratype 30 (2.7 ×      lower Pleistocene of Sicily (type locality) and from the
1.9 mm), GNHM ID 30.718 (ex KIGR 15/526 coll.                  lower to upper Pleistocene deposits of Kyllini, Greece
Garilli); paratype 31 (3 × 2.05 mm), GNHM ID 30.719            (NW Peloponnesus).
(ex KIGR 16/527 coll. Garilli); paratype 32 (3.8 × 2.5
mm), GNHM ID 30.720 (ex KIGR 17/528 coll. Garilli);            Remarks: Alvania rosariae represents a sort of inter-
paratype 33 (3.55 × 2.5 mm), GNHM ID 30.721 (ex                mediate form between A. carinata and A. lactea (cancel-
                                                               late form). Compared with the former taxon, it shows
                                                               some similarities in the type of intraspecific variation,
                                                               showing very inflated to quite elongate shells (compare
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