Page 25 - NAUTILUS_122-1_Garilli
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V. Garilli, 2008                                                Page 43

rices, bears a very delicate axial sculpture, its outer lip is  2⁄3 of total shell and last whorl height, respectively. Outer
always very thin, and usually has more colored shells.          lip sinuous, weakly opisthocline; internally smooth, with
                                                                a thin rim on its edge; externally with a very marked
Genus Galeodinopsis Sacco, 1895                                 varicose swelling, covered by spiral sculpture, and having
                                                                a narrow ridge on its base, toward aperture, so that it
Type Species: Rissoa tiberiana Coppi, 1876 by origi-            appears double-rimmed. Inner lip weakly curved, with a
nal designation.                                                very narrow columellar thicknening, forming an obsolete
                                                                umbilical chink. Shell color white in Recent material.
Galeodinopsis tiberiana (Coppi, 1876)
(Figures 81–99)                                                 Type Locality: Coppi (1876) cited “La Tagliata”, an
                                                                unknown name in toponymy (very likely referring to a
1862 Rissoa tuba Doderlein, 1862: 17 (nomen nudum)              recently deforested woodland) corresponding to the lo-
      1876 Rissoa Tiberiana Coppi, 1876: 201–202.               cality Gagliardella (Maranello, Modena, Emilia Roma-
                                                                gna, North Italy) (S. Palazzi personal comm., 2006).
Manzonia fariai Rolán and Fernandes, 1990: 64–65, pl. 1, figs.
      4–6.                                                      Type Material: A lot (IPUM 13721), from Coppi coll,
                                                                type locality, with more than 100 possible syntypes (not
Alvania fariai (Rolán and Fernandes, 1990).—Gofas, 1999: 88–    seen), is housed in the MPOB, Modena.
      89, figs. 39–42.
                                                                Material Examined: Senegal: Region de Dakar, 250
Alvania fariae (Rolán and Fernandes, 1990).—Landau et al.,      m S.W. Cap Manuel, 12 shs, MNHN coll. Marche-
      2004: 41, pl. 7, figs. 3–4.                               Marchad, dét. S. Gofas [The Nautilus 113: 88–89, figs.
                                                                40, 42]; Region de Dakar, S.W. Gorée large Cap Vert,
Description: Shell conical, sturdy, reaching 3.75 mm            250–150 m, 1 sh., MNHN coll. Marche-Marchad, det. S.
in height and 2.75 mm in width. Protoconch multispiral,         Gofas [The Nautilus 113: 88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Region de
conical, with 2–2.2 convex whorls and a rather immersed         Dakar, St. 56-1-10A Gorée 150–200 m, 1 sh., MNHN
nucleus. Protoconch I consists of about 0.7–0.8 whorls,         coll. Marche-Marchad, det. S. Gofas [The Nautilus 113:
with a netted sculpture, consisting of 7–8 very thin spiral     88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Angola: Luanda, Ilha de Luanda,
lirae and numerous, irregular, short and very narrow axial      Circalittoral, 120 m, 3 shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, det. S.
segments occurring in interspaces between lirae. Proto-         Gofas [The Nautilus 113(3): 88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Luanda,
conch II is sculptured by very small, sparse granules,          Ilha de Luanda, circalittoral, 40–60 m, 1 sh., MNHN
fused into 2–4 discontinuous ridges on central and abapi-       coll. S. Gofas 1981–82, det. S. Gofas [The Nautilus 113:
cal portions of latter part of last whorl. Groups of gran-      88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Luanda, Au large de Mussulo
ules form very short, prosocline segments on central            (Mocôco), dredging 50–70 m, 2 shs, MNHN coll. S. Go-
area, mainly close to protoconch/teleoconch transition,         fas 1981–1987, det. S. Gofas [The Nautilus 113: 88–89,
which is marked by a quite sinous and thin lip. Teleo-          figs. 40, 42]; Au large de Mussulo, circalittoral, 90–100
conch formed by 3–3.5 convex whorls, sculptured by a            m, 2 shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, det. S. Gofas [The Nau-
primary pattern of strong, slightly sinuous and opistho-        tilus 113: 88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Ambrizete, dredging, 80 m,
cline ribs, numbering 12–14 on penultimate whorl, be-           5 shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, det. S. Gofas [The Nautilus
coming very weak to lacking toward shell base. Ribs are         113: 88–89, figs. 40, 42]; Ambrizete, (07°00Ј S, 12°20Ј E)
covered by a secondary spiral sculpture, formed by flat         sediment, 60 m, 3 shs, MNHN coll. S. Gofas, 1983, det.
narrower cords, numbering 4–5 on penultimate whorl,             S. Gofas [The Nautilus 113: 88–89, figs. 40, 42); Am-
becoming more marked on shell base. Each cord bears a           brizete, (06°57Ј S, 12°23Ј E), sediment, 45 m, 1 sh.,
pitted microsculpture, consisting of microscopic subcir-        MNHN coll.S. Gofas, 1983, det. S. Gofas [The Nautilus
cular pores forming 8–10 spiral alignments (Figures 99).        113: 88–89, figs. 40, 42]. Italy: Piemonte, Asti, Baldich-
Between cords, numerous, closely spaced, very fine spi-         ieri, “Grottino Monale”, 2 shs, yellow sands, middle-
ral ridges appear. They are formed by rough prismatic,          upper Pliocene, coll. MF ex coll. PAL, F104A; Asti prov-
tooth-like elements, extending perpendicularly from             ince, 9 shs, Pliocene, MGUP coll. Doderlein, 111A; Lig-
shell surface. At their base, ridges have a lamella-like        uria, Savona, Rio Torsero, between Ceriale and Peagna,
expansion which covers the interspaces occurring be-            5 shs, clays, lower Pliocene, coll. MF ex coll. PAL, F58A;
tween them. Last whorl inflated, well-expanded, com-
prising about 3⁄4 of total shell height, often bearing 1–2
strong varices, most frequently just before the outer lip.
Aperture ovate, very rounded anteriorly, weakly angu-
lated posteriorly, comprising about little less than 1⁄2 and

Figures 80–89. Alvania tenera (Philippi, 1844). 80. Shell of a keeled and conical morph, Strait of Gibraltar, Spain, Cadiz, Tarifa,
coll. PAL (2030TAR). 81–82. Conical-ovate, not-keeled morphs, illustrating the variable sculpture, France, Provence, Marseille,
Curry, coll. PAL (2037MAR). 83. Profile view of the same shell as Figure 80. 84. Profile view of an unkeeled morph, France,
Provence, Marseille, La Baule, small beach at 25 km west from Marseille, coll. PAL (2035BAU). 85–86. Sculpture of early teleoconch
whorls (85) and detail of sculpture (86), Italy, Tuscany, Livorno, Antignano, coll. PAL (2029). 87–88. Protoconch (87) and detail of
protoconch I (88) of the same shell. 89. Protoconch of the same shell as Figure 84, showing sculpture variation. Scale bars: 0.5 mm
in Figures 80–84; 200 ␮m in Figure 85; 100 ␮m in Figures 86–87 and 89; 20 ␮m in Figure 88. Black and white arrows indicate the
protoconch I/protoconch II and protoconch/teleoconch boundaries, respectively.
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