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       372                               S. Orecchio et al. / Environmental Research 107 (2008) 371–379

       Table 1
       Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons analysed and classification regarding their carcinogenic potentials (Toxic equivalence factors (TEF)) hydrocarbons (mean of three analysis)
       in Pine Bark samples
                   TEF (a) Larsen and  TEF (b) Schneider  TEF (a) Larsen and  TEF (b) Schneider  TEF (a) Larsen and  TEF (b) Schneider
                   Larsen, (1998)  et al., (2002)    Larsen, (1998)  et al., (2002)    Larsen, (1998)  et al., (2002)
       Acenaphythylene          0.001       Fluoranthene 0.05     0.001       Penzo (a)  1          1
       Acenaphythene            0.001       Pyrene   0.005        0.001       Perylene
       Fluorene                 0.001       1 Methyl                          Indeno (1,2,3- 0.1    0.1
                                            pyrene                            cd)pyrene
       Phenanthrene  0.0005     0.001       Benzo (a)  0.005      0.1         Dibenzo (a,h) 1.1
                                            anthracene                        nthracene
       Anthracene  0.0005       0.01        Chrysene  0.03        0.01        Benzo (g,h,i0  0.02   0.01
       2 Methyl                             Benzo (b)  0.1        0.1
          anthracene                        fluoranthene
       9 Methyl                             Benzo (k)  0.05       0.1
          anthracene                        fluoranthene

          Animal and vegetal organisms including lichens have been  recommended by the USA Environmental Protection Agency, in each sample 19
                                                             PAHs were analysed, with particular attention to 16 recognized as priority
       widely used for environmental biomonitoring purposes (Ru ¨ hling
                                                             pollutants (Table 1).
       and Tyler, 1968; Walkenhorst et al., 1993; Raffaelli, 1996; Baumard
       et al., 1998; Catsky et al., 2001; Corte ´s, 2004; Madejon et al.,
       2006). Some studies, carried out by our research group using  2.1. Chemicals
       lichens and leaves as bioaccumulators (Giovenco et al, 1996;
                                                                All chemicals used were of analytical grade with high purity. In particular,
       Alaimo et al., 2000; Macaluso et al., 2000; Lombardo et al., 2001;
                                                             organic solvents (dichloromethane, cyclohexane, pentane), supplied by Sigma
       Culotta et al., 2002, 2005) showed a general increasing of heavy  Aldrich (Milano, Italy), were of 99.8% purity. Standard reference PAHs mixture (EPA
       metals and/or PAHs concentration in the urban areas under  610 PAHs mixture) and perdeuterated internal standards (fortification solution B)
       investigation owing to human activities.              were from Supelco (Milano, Italy).
          Tree bark has also been used as a bioaccumulator of both heavy
       metals and organic toxicants in a study comparing the bioaccu-  2.2. Sampling and sites
       mulation capacity of moss and pine bark samples towards heavy
       metals in an industrialized area of Turkey (Tu ¨rkan et al., 1995).  Palermo is a densely populated town (more than 1 million habitants) with a
       Schultz et al. (1999) used pine barks to characterize temporal  heavy load of vehicular traffic and major industrial activities are located within the
       variations and spatial patterns of some inorganic and organic  urban area. Pinus sylvestris L., a vegetal species common in the entire
                                                             Mediterranean region, is widespread both in the city and in the outskirts. Pine
       substances and clearly showed the suitability of this biomonitor-
                                                             bark samples were collected, between April 2004 and February 2005, from 50- to
       ing tool. Some authors (Bo ¨hm et al., 1998) used oak tree bark for  60-year-old pine trees, free of mosses and lichens. When it was possible three trees
       determining the distribution of air pollution by heavy metals and  for every sampling station were chosen. Sampling sites are shown in the maps
       other elements in Bohemia. Schulz et al. (1999) analysed the  reported in Figs. 1 and 2.
                                                                In order to compare analytical results obtained in sites having different
       concentrations and natural isotope ratios of both N and individual
                                                             meteorological conditions and vehicular traffic, some pine barks samples were also
       compounds in bark samples from various locations to obtain  collected in sites far from the city. Detailed information about the characteristics of
       information on the origin of atmospheric N depositions (Schulz  sampling sites are reported in Table 2.
       et al., 2001).                                           Using a hard steel knife, the external surface of the bark, not exceeding 2 mm
                                                             in depth, was removed from different areas of the whole circumference of each
          Due to its very porous surface, tree bark is well recognized to
                                                             tree, at 1–1.5 m height, obtained by combining the sub-samples of 5–10 g. For
       be an excellent biosorbent material of airborne pollutants. In this
                                                             analysis we used the laboratory sample obtained by combining the sub-samples of
       work, we optimize an analytical method for the bark of pine trees,  the same tree into one mixed sample. Barks were collected using rubber gloves and
       which are widespread in Palermo town, as well as throughout the  were immediately refrigerated (4 1C), stored avoiding exposure to light, and then
       Mediterranean area, and use it as a bioaccumulator of PAHs, with  rapidly carried to the laboratory where they were frozen before analysis.
                                                                Two samples of bark for each site were dried to a constant weight in an oven at
       the aim of evaluating the air quality of Palermo.
                                                             a temperature of 70 1C to report PAH values on a dry weight basis.
       2. Material and methods                               2.3. Sample treatment
          Among the various steps of the procedure for the detection of PAHs in  The dried samples were pulverised to uniform size with a laboratory mill. The
       whatever environmental sample, the sampling, the extraction and the quantitative  mill was scrupulously cleaned and dried after each grinding to avoid contamina-
       recovery are by far most important. First, the repeatability of the sampling was  tion. About 5 g of bark was added to pre-cleaned (Soxhlet extracted with
       checked by analysing for PAHs in four different samples of bark collected from  dichloromethane for 24 h) anhydrous Na 2 SO 4 (Carlo Erba, Milano). A solution of
       different points of the same tree, giving a relative standard deviation of about 7%,  a perdeuterated surrogate standard (benzo(a)anthracene-d 12 ) was added to the
       while analysing four bark samples taken from different trees of the same site gave  sample of bark.
       a relative standard deviation of about 8%. Therefore, we can consider the standard
       deviation from sampling to be negligible relative to that of the analytical process.
                                                             2.4. Extraction of PAHs
       For the subsequent analyses, we collected about 25–50 g bark from each station
       and homogenized it before extraction in the laboratory.
          Particular attention was paid in this study to the extraction method in order to  To find the best extraction method to obtain the maximum recovery
       obtain the best recovery of PAHs from barks under investigation. The PAHs  percentage of PAHs under investigation, different recovery tests were carried out
       concentration in the various bark samples and their distribution in the different  on tree bark samples. These were preventively extracted for 48 h, using a Soxhlet
       sampling sites were related to hypothesize the possible origin of PAHs in the urban  apparatus and successively spiked with a known quantity of PAHs using different
       area of Palermo. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of PAHs was carried out by  methods. The average recoveries calculated for all the compounds and the relative
       the GC–MS technique using reference standards and spectra libraries. As  standard deviations are reported in Table 3.
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