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       374                               S. Orecchio et al. / Environmental Research 107 (2008) 371–379

       Table 2                                               Table 4
       Sites of sampling and characteristics of the sample sites  List of groups of PAHs formed for analysis, the deuterated standards employed
                                                             (underlined), the quantification ion and confirmation ion for SIM GC– MS mode
       No Sample site  Characteristics of the sample site
                                                             Group  Chemical          Quantification ion  Confirmation ions
       1  Indipendenza Large square frequented by very heavy and slow traffic. The area
          1        is exposed to airflows that readily disperse pollutants.  1  Acenaphthylene  152   76, 151
       2  Indipendenza Large square frequented by very heavy and slow traffic. The area  Acenaphthene  154  152, 76
          2        is exposed to airflows that readily disperse pollutants. The tree  Fluorene  166   164,165
                   is located near a petrol pump.                   Acenaphthene d 10  164
       3  Harbour  Located in a busy road near Palermo harbour and near the
                   historical centre of the city.
                                                             2      Phenanthrene      178            188, 89
       4  Oreto sx  Road that connects the freeways to the city centre, frequented
                                                                    Anthracene        178            188, 89
                   by traffic, both cars and commercial vehicles.    2 methyl anthracene  192          96, 82
       5  Oreto dx  Road that connects the freeways to the city centre, frequented
                                                                    9 methyl anthracene  192          96, 82
                   by traffic, both cars and commercial vehicles.    Fluoranthene      202            101, 200
       6  Erice    Distant from any known major anthropogenic sources, chosen
                                                                    Pyrene            202            101, 200
                   as control                                       1 methyl pyrene   216            108, 94
       7  Favignana  Favignana is a small island located to the west of Sicily
                                                                    Benzo(a)anthracene  228          114,226
                   frequented mainly during bathing season. The station is situated
                                                                    Phenanthrene d 10  188
                   in a rural area 800 m away from the nearest trafficked urban
                   area. The area is periodically is affected by agricultural practices
                   (combustion of grass and other agricultural residues).  3  Chrysene  228          114,226
       8  A29      Located inside a large service area of the Palermo-Trapani  Benzo(b)fluoranthene  252  126,250
                   motorway with high traffic. The area is open and exposed to  Benzo(k)fluoranthene  252  126,250
                   wind.                                            Benzo(a)pyrene    252            126,250
       9  Botanical  Inside a green area 200 m away from traffic and 200– 300 m  Chrysene d 12  240
          Garden   away from a plant for gas production (inactive during the
                   previous four years). The area is peridiodically affected by  4  Perylene  252    126,250
                   agricultural practices (combustion of grass and other  Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene  276  277,138
                   agricultural residues).                          Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene  278      279,139
       10 University  The station is inside the university campus, 100– 200 m away  Benzo(g,h,i)perylene  276  277,138
                   from a busy road that connects the ring road to the city center.   264
                                                                    Perylene d 12
       11 Papireto  Inside a the garden of a school 300 m away from a busy road and
                   protected by buildings.
       12 Lennon   Near traffic lights on a road frequented by very high traffic, both
                   cars and commercial vehicles. Part of the area is used for bus
       13 Industrial  Industrial area characterized by modest industrial emissions,  same experimental conditions. Identification was confirmed by
          area     where traffic is almost absent, 500 m away from a petrol depot  comparing the spectra of the single components with those stored
       14 V.le Francia  Located in a busy road in a residential area near a railroad.  in the acquisition system library. The identification of PAHs in the
       15 Castellana  A small agricultural village about 100 km. from Palermo and in a
                   mountainous area at an altitude of 765 m above sea level.  solutions extracted from sediment was carried out on the basis of
                   Heating of the houses is by means of fireplaces in which  previously determined retention times, and it was confirmed
                   firewood is burned. The area is periodically affected by  using mass spectra. The PAH content in each sample was
                   agricultural practices.                   quantified relative to perdeuterated PAH added to the dry residue.
       16 A-19 PA-CT  Located in a little-used parking area 150 m away from the
                   Palermo-Catania motorway subject to high traffic  The response factors of different compounds were measured by
                                                             injecting a mixture containing 19 standard compounds and
                                                             having the same concentration of perdeuterated PAHs as that
                                                             used for spiking the sample.
       Table 3
       Results of recovery tests
                                                             4. Results and discussion
       Extraction method solvent  Recovery % a  Standard deviation
       Soxhlet CH 2 Cl 2        88            12                In general, the more volatile 2- and 3-ring polycyclic aromatic
                                65            14
       Ultrasound CH 2 Cl 2                                  compounds exist primarily in the gas phase of the atmosphere,
       Ultrasound CH 2 Cl 2 -pentane  69      12             and will tend to be deposited upon the plants via dry gaseous and/
                                                             or wet deposition. The less volatile 5- and 6-ring PAHs are more
           Mean of three analysis
                                                             likely deposited on the plant surface bound to particles in wet and
                                                             dry deposition. For compounds of intermediate vapour pressure
                                                             (4-ring PAHs, for example), a temperature-dependent gas/particle
       extracted fractions from samples and standard solutions (1 ml) was  partitioning of PAHs will occur, so that they are subject to both
       performed by hand. The injector temperature was maintained at  wet and dry deposition in gaseous and particle-bound form
       280 1C. The GC temperature programme was: from 40 1C (2 min) to  (McVeety and Hites, 1967; Bidleman, 1988; Lane, 1988). Particle-
       100 1Cat40 1C/min, to 200 1Cat10 1C/min, to 325 1C (8 min) at  bound PAHs can be moved to very long distances and are removed
       30 1C/min. The carrier gas was helium (flow rate 1.6 ml/min). The  from the atmosphere through precipitation and dry deposition.
       use of an Equity-5 column allowed complete separation within a  PAHs are accumulated in terrestrial and aquatic organisms.
       shorter time (about 25 min) compared to previous research  The PAHs uptake by plants from soil and the subsequent
       (Culotta et al., 2002, 2005). The interface temperature was  biomagnification is generally quite low (Gao and Zhu, 2004). In a
       325 1C. The analysis was operated in selected ion monitoring  study of PAH uptake from cropland soils, high concentrations of
       (SIM) mode. The selected ions are reported in Table 4. The  PAHs in soils were not correlated with concentrations in plant
       identification of the components of the standard mixture was  tissues. The PAH amount found in the plants at ground level was
       carried out by comparing the retention times of each mixture  not related to the soil PAH concentration but was attributed to
       component with those of pure components, analysed under the  atmospheric deposition (Wild and Jones, 1992).
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