Page 35 - Panuccio2012
P. 35

Circannual variation movements of Black Kite

vary across the Mediterranean basin (Strait of              the late migration peak observed in early May
Gibraltar vs. other flyways). This may be due to            at the Strait of Messina and in Turkey (Agostini
their highly plastic behaviour, which is affected by        and Duchi 1994, Panuccio and Agostini 2010,
different factors. Among them, different density            Kirwan et al. 2008). Moreover it is reasonable that
at the breeding sites could play an important               in areas with low density of territorial individuals,
role. Black Kites migrating through the Strait of           less competition could allow a higher percentage
Gibraltar belong to populations of western Europe,          of younger individuals to hold and defend a
where they have been estimated to be roughly 30-            territory and to attempt reproduction, since it
40000 pairs (Birdlife International 2004, Bensusan          has been demonstrated that young individuals are
et al. 2007). If higher competition for resources           physiologically ready for reproduction (Blas and
occurs in western Europe rather than in Italy or            Hiraldo 2010).
eastern Europe, where the population density is             It is not possible to exclude, however, a relationship
lower (Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2001), birds              between timing of migration and the distance
belonging to the populations breeding in Spain,             between breeding and wintering grounds. In the
Portugal and France could be forced to reach their          case of the tracked kite breeding in Germany and
nesting sites as soon as possible in spring. This           wintering in western Africa, the migratory distance
could explain the evident peak passage of this              was about 4600 km (Meyburg and Meyburg
species at the Strait of Gibraltar at the beginning of      2009), while it is likely that Black Kites wintering
March and why the migration occurs later in the             in Israel are closer to their breeding grounds.
central Mediterranean and around the Black Sea              Further investigations should provide information
(Kirwan et al. 2008, Panuccio and Agostini 2010).           on the wintering grounds of Black kites belonging
Several studies, focused on population dynamics,            to the population of eastern Europe and Russia.
provide further support to this conclusion; in              Loop-migration strategy?
particular some authors showed that younger                 Another evident difference concerning spring
Black Kites delay territoriality as a voluntary             and autumn movements occurs in the central
restraint in order to enhance longevity and the             Mediterranean area. In this area Black Kites
quality of the territory eventually acquired (Sergio        show a narrower front, associated with a higher
et al. 2009). This hypothesis has been developed in         concentration in time, during autumn rather
a context of high density of breeding pairs. Sergio         than spring migration. This behaviour is unusual:
et al (2009) showed that age alone could not be the         a stronger concentration in time should be
sole predictor of territorial status because a wide         associated with a time-minimization strategy, and
overlap in the age structure of floaters and holders        thus with a stronger tendency to cross the sea in
occurs. The other important predictor is the spring         order to reach the breeding grounds as soon as
arrival date, with early arriving birds having higher       possible (see Agostini & Mellone 2007). Birds are
likelihood to acquire a territory (Sergio et al. 2007,      expected to migrate more quickly during spring,
2009). Moreover, high individual philopatry in a            in a scenario of intra-specific competition during
population would result in a surplus of individuals         the breeding season (Kokko 1999). In agreement
in relation to vacant places, and would retard the          with research made by visual observations that
first breeding attempt until birds are between 3            we reviewed, also the information provided by
and 5 yr old (Forero et al. 2002). In this picture          satellite tracking showed that a Black Kite breeding
the delayed spring migration in the central                 in Germany covered the distance during autumn
Mediterranean and in Turkey could be a result of            migration more rapidly (2007: 234 km/day, 2008:
low density and therefore less competition in the           256 km/day) than during spring movements
breeding areas of those populations. Black Kites            (215 km/day in spring 2008 and 191 km/day
breeding in areas with a low density of pairs could be      in spring 2009; Meyburg and Meyburg 2009).
less motivated to arrive as early as possible from the      Agostini (2002, 2003) speculated on the different
wintering ground. This hypothesis could explain

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