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Circannual variation movements of Black Kite

(mostly inexperienced juveniles) are reported              of pesticides (Thiollay 2006, Anadon et al. 2010).
(Rebassa 1995, Sammut and Bonavia 2004,                    Another important wintering area of Black Kites
Roth and Corso 2007). Also a migration through             is the Middle-East, in particular in Israel where
the Tyrrhenian Sea is nearly absent as shown by            in many areas it is the most common wintering
observations at the islands of Capri, Ustica and           raptor with increasing numbers from the ‘80s to
Panarea such as at the Circeo Promontory (Jonzen           the ‘90s. Up to 9966 individuals were counted
and Petterson 1999, Agostini and Panuccio 2003,            during winter counts in 1997/1998 (Shirihai et al.
Panuccio et al. 2005). Observations made both in           2000). The distribution of wintering Black Kites
Spain and Southern Italy confirm the reluctance            in the Middle-East appears to be age-dependent:
of Black Kites to undertake sea crossings. At the          in the Hula Valley (northern Israel) 40% of aged
island of Marettimo they hesitated when facing             birds were adults and sub-adults and 60% first and
the open sea, soaring over the island even for many        second winter birds; on the other hand in Western
hours (Agostini et al. 2000, Panuccio 2005b). At           Negev (southern Israel) the first and second winter
the Strait of Gibraltar they follow the shortest sea-      birds were 90% of the population (Allon and
crossing where the distance between Spain and              Shirihai 1991).
Morocco is narrower. At this site considerable             Movements
lateral drift over the sea occurs during both              During winter a male Black kite tracked (winters
easterly and westerly winds (Finlayson 1992).              2007/2008 and 2008/2009) by satellite covered
When weather conditions are not ideal for the              a striking distance of at least 7000 km per year
flight over water, kites stop on the Spanish side of       within its wintering ground moving consecutively
the Strait for days, particularly on days with strong      into three different areas (Fig. 2). At first the Black
lateral winds (Finlayson 1992). At the island of           kite, moving from the Strait of Gibraltar, reached
Marettimo and the Strait of Gibraltar, Black Kites         in the area between Mali and Mauritania (Lat
are observed spending long periods “hanging” on            15,5° N, Long 6,5°O), in December it moved
the wind without advancing. Moreover Finlayson             south-west between Ghana and Togo (Lat 10° N
(1992) reported flocks of Black Kites attempting           Long 0° O) finally in February Black kites moved
to cross the Strait and returning back inland.             westwards between Guinea and Ivory Coast (Lat 9°
Winter                                                     N Long 8° O). The first area was characterized by
Wintering birds are widely distributed in sub-             bare ground and open scrubland while the other
Saharan Africa south to Cape Province with the             two by woodland and wooded grassland. The
exception of dense forests (Ferguson-Lees and              tracked individual seldom used the same roost for
Christie 2001), their distribution, however, appears       more than one night, covering a distance of 31-
not to be homogeneous since in some areas it is a          42 km between consecutive roosts (Meyburg and
very scarce wintering bird (Thiollay 2001, Seavy           Meyburg 2009). It is likely that the distribution
and Apodaca 2002). Previous studies indicate               of Black Kites wintering in the Sahel area largely
Ethiopia as a main wintering area, while more              respond to unpredictable abundant feeding
recent ones show that it is the dominant species in        sources, and in particular to locust outbreaks
winter in the Sahel raptors communities suggesting         (Sanchez-Zapata et al. 2007).
that the European population of Black Kites                Feeding behaviour
winters in a narrow fringe in the western Sahelian         Thiollay (1989) reported habitat segregation
regions (Cramp and Simmons 1980, Anadon                    between European and African subspecies (M.
et al 2010). A recent study showed a decrease of           m. parasitus) with the first apparently feeding
70% of kites in the Sahel, in particular outside           mostly in wetlands and the latter in open areas and
of protected areas, probably due to the increasing         around villages. Moreover in Rhodesia migrants
density of human population and to the large use           were seen mainly in flocks whereas local birds are

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