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Circannual variation movements of Black Kite

costs and concentrate at straits and isthmuses, they       breeding sites in northern Italy, Black Kites select
are also able to cross large bodies of water using         as hunting areas water bodies, extensively managed
long powered flights (Zalles and Bildstein 2000).          and unmanaged grassland and urban areas while
This species is one of the most well-studied diurnal       avoiding woodlands (Sergio 2003a, Sergio et al
raptors of the Western Palearctic (see Sergio et al.       2003a, 2003b). Also, in southern Spain the species
2009 and references therein), being an excellent           occurs at high density with a diet dominated by
model for research concerning breeding biology             wetland prey species (Hiraldo et al. 1990, Forero
and ecology. Recently, some research showed a              et al. 1999). Their preference for water bodies is
phenotypic plasticity of the species in response           linked to fish, locally their main prey, while open
to climate change: the climate warming seems               areas are used for hunting small animals (i.e.
to trigger earlier egg laying and northward shift          snakes, passerines, small mammals; Sergio 2003a,
of the breeding and wintering ranges (Burton               Sergio et al. 2003a, Gensbol 2008). Finally, urban
1995, Moss 1998, Sunyer and Viñuela 1996,                  areas are used to find carrions or waste of butchery
Sarà 2003, Sergio 2003b, 2007). Several studies            also at the dumping grounds; high concentrations
are now available, although the knowledge about            of terrestrial food may also act in the same way as
the migratory routes and the connectivity with             wetlands (Vinuela et al. 1994, Blanco 1994,1997).
African wintering grounds is still incomplete.             Higher temperatures at the breeding areas allow
Here we provide a review of research carried               better hunting activity while rain negatively
out on the Black Kite, focusing on the variation           affects it (Sergio 2003a). During summer, the
of movements, migration timing, and foraging               feeding activities of breeding individuals is sex
behaviour across its range and throughout the year.        dependent, with females hunting around the
Summer                                                     immediate vicinity of the nest and males searching
Movements                                                  for food mostly in areas far from the nest (Forero
Research made at Doñana National Park (Southern            et al.1999). In different population of Black
Spain) reported that Black Kites showing high              Kites a trophic segregation between breeding and
fidelity to the breeding site are over the 80%,            non-breeding individuals has been reported. For
especially among females (89.5%), and the average          instance, during summer, the rubbish dumps are
natal dispersal is less than 5 km (Forero et al 1999,      used almost only by floaters (Blanco 1994, 1997)
2002). Among sex classes, males generally disperse         while in Doñana non-breeding birds feed mainly
shorter distances than females while the dispersal         on small prey (invertebrates) and carrion, whereas
distance decreases sharply at older ages. Short-           breeding pairs, constrained by the fidelity to a
distance movements in natal dispersal are probably         central place of foraging (the nest), exploit mainly
related to benefits of philopatry (ecological and          medium-size reptiles, birds and mammals (Espina
genetic) and dispersal costs associated with finding       1984 quoted in Sergio et al. 2007).
a new territory in a saturated population, such as         Floaters
the one studied at Doñana. Some circumstantial             In many species of migrating raptors younger
evidence indicates that individuals in other               individuals do not return to the breeding grounds
populations may disperse longer distances (Forero          during summer, have no fixed territory and display
et al 1999, 2002).                                         nomadic movements (Newton 1979). Among
Feeding behaviour                                          these species the Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
The Black Kite shows territorial behaviour                 and the Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus;
defending an area of about 100-200 m radius around         Panuccio and Agostini 2006, Mellone et al. 2011).
the nest while it forages in undefended communal           Younger Black Kites show a different behaviour
hunting grounds up to several kilometres distance          coming back to Europe for summertime, reaching
from the nest (Sergio and Newton 2003). At the             at least Southern Europe (Cramp and Simmons
                                                           1980). The population of this species is, therefore,

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