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Circannual variation movements of Black Kite

composed both by territory holders and non-             during the southbound migration (Agostini et al.
territorial, non-breeding individuals, commonly         2000, 2004, Panuccio and Canale 2003).
known as floaters (Newton 2008). Compared to            Movements
territory holders, floaters of both sexes are smaller,  During southward movements Black Kites cross
younger and arrive late in the season from the          the Mediterranean mainly at the Strait of Gibraltar
wintering grounds (Sergio et al 2009). It has been      while substantial numbers migrate through the
shown that young floaters are physiologically           central and eastern Mediterranean corridors (via
capable of reproduction (Blas and Hiraldo 2010)         the Channel of Sicily and Bosphorus); the small
and therefore the cause for deferred breeding may       breeding population of Greece (few tens of pairs)
have an ecological rather than a physiological basis    cross the eastern Mediterranean between the
in which the limited access to breeding territories     Peloponnesus, Crete and Libya (Fig.1; Finlayson
plays an important role. As a matter of fact, the       1992, Agostini et al. 2000, 2004, Migres 2009,
Doñana National Park population’s shows high            Lucia et al. 2011). The huge populations of
density of breeding pairs and young birds have          the Iberian peninsula, France, Germany and
poorer competitive abilities for resource and           Switzerland reach Africa through the Strait of
territory defence (Blas and Hiraldo 2010).              Gibraltar (Finalyson 1992, Meyburg and Meyburg
Autumn                                                  2009). Maximum one-watchpoint count at the
Mortality rates are higher between the first            Strait of Gibraltar during autumn 2008 reported
and second year of life, suggesting a very strong       88986 individuals migrating almost all in August
selection-episode during the first migration and        while very few migrated in September (Migres
wintering (Sergio et al 2011). This powerful            2009).
selective force may have favoured juvenile Black        In the Central Mediterranean area the migration
Kites to migrate together with adults during their      peak of Black Kites occurs in a few days between
first migration, and this hypothesis could explain      the end of August and the beginning of September
both the large overlap observed in the autumn           with a large overlap in the migration period of
migration timing of adults and juveniles and the        adults and juveniles (Agostini et al. 2000, 2004).
strong tendency of Black Kites to migrate in flocks     During their travel to reach the Channel of Sicily,

Figure 1 - Flyways used by Black Kites during autumn migration. 1) Cap Bon Promontory, 2) Marettimo
           island, 3) Pantelleria island, 4) Circeo Promontory, 5) Capri island, 6) Calabrian Appennines,
           7) Antikythira island, 8) Kfar Qassem (Bijlsma 1983, Shirihai 2000, Agostini et al 2000,
           2004, Zalles and Bildstein 2000, Panuccio et al 2005, Kirwan et al. 2008, Migres 2009, Lucia
           et al. 2011, Verhelst et al. 2011).
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