Page 36 - Panuccio2012
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Circannual variation movements of Black Kite

behaviour showed by Black Kites migrating                          during migration. Bird Behaviour 10: 45-48.
through the Central Mediterranean during spring              Agostini N, Logozzo D. 1998. Primi dati
and autumn, that it could be related with higher
competition for resources in the African wintering                 sulla migrazione primaverile dei rapaci
areas where migratory European birds meet                          Accipitriformi sull’isola di Marettimo
resident individuals. As a result, Black Kites should              (Egadi). Rivista italiana di Ornitologia
minimize time during autumn migration and                          68:153-157.
some birds crossing the Mediterranean at the Strait          Agostini N, Logozzo D, Panuccio M. 2000. The
of Gibraltar in spring could use loop migration                    island of Marettimo, Important Bird Area
passing through the Central Mediterranean in                       for the autumn migration of raptors. Avocetta
autumn (for instance part of the birds breeding                    24: 95-99.
in northern Italy). In this scenario, it is interesting      Agostini N, Malara G. 1997. Entità delle
to report that in a similar species, the Red Kite                  popolazioni di alcune specie di Accipitriformi
(Milvus milvus), the wintering individuals studied                 migranti, in primavera, sul Mediterraneo
in Doñana National Park, in southern Spain,                        centrale. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia
showed a segregation from the resident conspecific,                66:174-176.
concerning feeding areas, food habits and also               Agostini N, Mellone U. 2007. Migration
roosting sites (Heredia et al. 1991). The quicker                  strategies of Oriental Honey Buzzards Pernis
autumn migration time recorded in the Black Kite                   ptilorhyncus breeding in Japan. Forktail 23:
could be also related with its food habits, strictly               182-183.
linked to seasonal resources that break down                 Agostini N, Panuccio M. 2003. How do
abruptly (Bustamante and Hiraldo 1990).                            Accipitriformes behave during autumn
Future studies should clarify differences in the                   migration at the Circeo promontory? Rivista
migration timing along the different flyways                       italiana di Ornitologia 73(2): 165- 167.
and investigate the complex migration patterns               Agostini N, Premuda G, Mellone U, Panuccio
of Black Kites migrating through the Central                       M, Logozzo D, Bassi E, Cocchi L. 2004.
Mediterranean area in spring and autumn, as well                   Crossing the sea en route to Africa: autumn
as their wintering behaviour in Africa, possibly by                migration of some Accipitriformes over two
means of satellite telemetry.                                      central Mediterranean islands. Ring 26: 71-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                   78.
We thank Mark Anderson and Ara Monadjem                      Allon D., Shirihai H. 1991. A survey of wintering
for their useful comments that greatly extended                    raptors in Israel, 1987/88. In: Yekutiel D.
and improved a first draft of the manuscript.                      (eds), Raptors in Israel: passage and wintering
Ugo Mellone is supported by a FPU grant of the                     populations. International Birdwatching
Spanish Ministry of Education (AP2008-0947).                       Centre, Eilat, Israel.
REFERENCES                                                   Anadon JD, Sanchez-Zapata JA, Carrete M,
Agostini N 2002. La migrazione dei rapaci in Italia.               Donazar JA, Hiraldo F. 2010. Large-scale
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      In: Brichetti P, Gariboldi A (eds), Manuale                  community. Animal Conservation 13: 495-
      di Ornitologia Vol. 3. Bologna: Edagricole-Il                504.
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      Mediterraneo centrale: stato attuale della                   Torgos 10: 89-92.
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