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Limonium morisianum  Arrigoni, Boll.  Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 17:  177(–182,  fig. 1,  pl., map). 1978. [June
                Ind. Loc.:—“Toneri de Sa Irgini (Desulo)”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Toneri de Sa Irgini (Desulo), 2 August 1964, P.V. Arrigoni s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Limonium multiforme Pignatti, Webbia 36(1): 52 (tab.). 1982. [30 December 1982]
            ≡ Limonium multiforme Pignatti, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64(4): 364. 1971. [16 October 1971] nom. nud.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Isolotto vicino a Port’Ercole”. TOS
                Type:—ITALY. Isolotto vicino Port’Ercole, 9 August 1872, Aiuti s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Note:—Published as a mere bibliographic citation, this reference is actually the correct place of publication
            for this species. The previous Statice minuta var. multiformis Martelli (1887: 13) is illegitimate because another
            variety is cited in sinonimy (Arts. 52.1–2 of ICN; Rizzotto 1984). Similarly, Pignatti (1971: 364) intended to
            publish a new combination which is actually a nomen nudum, despite the author indicated a different type (Art.
            58.1 of ICN), also referrig to a previously and effectively published description (Art. 38.13 of ICN). This because
            the previously published description is not in Latin as required for 1971 by Art. 39.1. of ICN.
                Compiled by:—M. Iberite, D. Iamonico, G. Galasso

            Limonium multifurcatum Erben, Sendtnera 7: 61(–65, figs. 5–6). 2001. [31 August 2001]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sardinien, Prov. Sassari ca.1 km westlich von Porto Cervo, feucht–sandige Flaechen an der
            Muendung eines kleinen Flusses ins Meer”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardinien,  Prov. Sassari ca.1 km westlich von  Porto  Cervo,  feucht–sandige Flaechen an
            der Muendung eines kleinen Flusses ins Meer, 25 August 1973, Erben E 67 (holotype, MSB, n. 85577).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Vacca, I. Camarda

            Limonium optimae Raimondo, Fl. Medit. 3: 13(–18, figs. 1, 4–8). 1993. [15 July 1993]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sicilia, scarpata calcarea ai margini del torrente Vaccarizzo poco prima della sua affluenza nel
            fiume Salso, all’altezza del ponte Cinque Archi”. SIC
                Type:—ITALY. Sicilia, scarpata calcarea ai margini del torrente Vaccarizzo poco prima della sua affluenza
            nel fiume Salso, all’altezza del ponte Cinque Archi, 30 May 1989, Gianguzzi et Raimondo s.n. (holotype, PAL).
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Statice opulenta Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2(2): 23 (pl. 14). 1907.
            ≡  Limonium oleifolium Miller subsp.  opulentum (Lojac. ) Brullo,  Bot. Not. 133(3):  289. 1980. ≡  Limonium
            opulentum  (Lojac.) Brullo, Giorn. Bot.  Ital.  n.s., 114: 45. 1980. ≡ Limonium opulentum (Lojac.) Greuter,
            Willdenowia 16(2): 450. 1987. isonym
                Ind. Loc.:—“Porto Empedocle”. SIC
                Type (lectotype designated by Brullo 1980: 284):—ITALY. Porto Empedocle, s.d., Lojacono s.n. (PAL).
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Limonium pachynense Brullo, Bot. Not. 133(3): 292 (fig. 20). 1980. [18 September 1980]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Pantano Longarini”. SIC
                Type:—ITALY. Pantano Longarini, 21 July 1972, Brullo s.n. (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Limonium pandatariae Pignatti, Webbia 36(1): 54. 1982. [30 December 1982]
                Ind. Loc.:—“On the island of Ventotene (the ancient Pandataria insula) in the Thyrrenian Sea”. LAZ
                Type:—ITALY. Ventotene al Montagnozzo, 22 September 1901, Bégiunot s.n. (holotype, RO).
                Compiled by:—M. Iberite, D. Iamonico

            Statice panormitana Tod., Index Seminum Panorm. 1857: 45(–46). 1858. [10 January 1858]
            ≡ Limonium panormitanum (Tod.) Pignatti, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 365. 1971.

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