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Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Limonium pseudolaetum  Arrigoni & Diana, Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 27: 267( –270, fig. 1, map). 1990. [28
            June 1990]
                Ind. Loc.:—“S. Vero Milis, fra Capo Mannu e Su Pallosu. Dune, retrodune e rocce”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. S. Vero Milis, fra Capo Mannu e Su Pallosu. Dune,  retrodune  e rocce, 4  July 1985,
            Arrigoni, Di Tommaso, Mazzanti et Ricceri s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, T. Cossu, I. Camarda

            Limonium pulviniforme  Arrigoni & Diana, Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci.  Nat. 25: 173(–176, fig. 1, map). 1986. [30
            December 1986]
                Ind. Loc.:—“S. Teresa di Gallura, Porto Pozzo, substrato granitico”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. S. Teresa di Gallura, Porto Pozzo, substrato granitico, 28 September 1983, P.V. Arrigoni et
            C. Ricceri s.n. (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Vacca, I. Camarda

            Statice racemosa Lojac., Boll. Reale Orto Bot. Palermo 5(1–2): 99(–100). 1906. [30 June 1906]
            ≡ Limonium racemosum (Lojac.) Diana, Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 17: 272. 1978.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Prope Sassari”. SAR
                Type (neotype designated by Diana Corrias 1978: 72):—ITALY. Sassari (fra le rocce calcaree), 1897, Nicotra
            s.n. (FI).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Vacca, I. Camarda

            Statice remotispicula Lacaita, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 16(2): 168(–169). 1884. [April 1884]
            ≡ Limonium remotispiculum (Lacaita) Pignatti, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 365. 1971.
                Ind. Loc.:—“copiosa nella costiera di Amalfi sulle rupi calcaree vicinissime al mare”. CAM
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—N.G. Passalacqua

            Limonium caralitanum Erben, Sendtnera 7: 57(–61, figs. 3–4). 2001. [31 August 2001] nom. illeg.
            ≡ Limonium retirameum subsp. caralitanum Arrigoni, Parlatorea 7: 19. 2005.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sardinien, Prov. Cagliari: Kalkfelsen am Capo S. Elia”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardinien, Prov. Cagliari: Kalkfelsen am Capo S. Elia, 9 September 1992, Erben E  947
            (holotype, MSN n. 85600).
                Note:—Pignatti (1960), when describing Limonium virgatum subsp. sardoum, indicates the collection 1104 of
            Flora Italica Exsiccata; this gathering clearly corresponds to the type (Art. 9 Note 1 and Example 1 of ICN).
            According to the ICN (Art. 40.2, Art. 40 Note 1 and Example 2) the fact that this collection is housed in several
            unspecified herbaria does not affect the validity of the description for a pre-1990 name. Consequently, the name L.
            caralitanum Erben (2001: 57) is illegitimate (Arts. 52.1–2 of ICN) since  L. virgatum subsp. sardoum (whose
            syntypes apply to a different taxon) is cited in synonymy. However, L. caralitanum nom. illeg. is not automatically
            tipyfied by the type of Limonium virgatum subsp. sardoum, but by the type designated by Erben himself (Art. 7.5
            of ICN). Consequently, L. retirameum subsp. caralitanum Arrigoni (2005: 19) has to be treated as a replaced name
            (Art. 58.1 of ICN) at subspecific rank.
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, L. Peruzzi

            Statice dictyoclada var. reticulata Boiss. in DC., Prodr. 12: 654. 1848. [5 November 1848]
            ≡ Limonium retirameum Greuter & Burdet, Willdenowia 16: 451. 1987. subsp. retirameum
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sardinia”. SAR
                Type  (lectotype designated by Greuter & Burdet  in Greuter & Raus 1987: 451):—ITALY. Sardinia,
            1828, Ph. Thomas s.n. (G-DC).
                Compiled by:—M. Villani, L. Peruzzi

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