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Statice secundiramea Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2(2): 21(–22, pl. 6). 1907.
≡ Limonium secundirameum (Lojac.) Brullo, Veg. Pantelleria: 20. 1977. ≡ Limonium secundirameum (Lojac.)
Greuter & Burdet, Willdenowia 16(2): 451. 1987. nom. illeg.
Ind. Loc.:—“Pantelleria al Lago ... Trapani? Alcamo Cit.?”. SIC
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo
Limonium selinuntinum Brullo, Bot. Not. 133(3): 291 (fig. 18). 1980. [18 September 1980]
Ind. Loc.:—“Sicilia, sulle rupi costiere”. SIC
Type:—ITALY. Selinunte, sulle rupi costiere, 27 July 1974, Brullo s.n. (holotype, CAT).
Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo
Statice sibthorpiana Guss., Fl. Sic. Prodr. suppl. 1: 87 1832.
≡ Limonium sibthorpianum (Guss.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 396. 1891.
Ind. Loc.:—“in Siciliae maritimis collegit Sibth.”. SIC
Type:—Not designated.
Note:—This name clearly refers back to Statice globulariifolia sensu Gussone (1827: 380). Hence,
accordingly, the type locality can be restricted to “Capo di Ali dopo Messina” (Gussone 1827).
Compiled by:—F. Bartolucci, G. Domina
Statice minuta var. sommieriana Fiori in Fiori & Bég., Fl. Italia 2(3): 331 (330–331). 1902. [June 1902]
≡ Limonium sommierianum (Fiori) Arrigoni, Carta Veg. Isola Giannutri: 7. 1981.
Ind. Loc.:—“Isole del Giglio e di Giannutri (visa in hb. Sommier)”. TOS
Type (lectotype designated by Rizzotto 1999: 280):—ITALY. Isola del Giglio al Campese, 27 September
1894, Sommier s.n. (FI).
Note:—After the lectotype designation, the type locality can be restricted to Giglio Island. The basionym’s
author is attributed based on the family index at the beginning of the volume (Arts. 46.8 and 37.5 of ICN).
Compiled by:—F. Selvi, L. Peruzzi
Statice articulata var. strictissima Salzm., Flora 4(1, 7): 108(–109). 1821. [21 February 1821]
≡ Limonium strictissimum (Salzm.) Arrigoni, Boll. Soc. Sarda Sci. Nat. 20: 240. 1981.
Ind. Loc.:—“auf dem sandigen Ufer von Bastia und des Meerbusens von Santa Manza vorkommt”. COR
Type (lectotype designated by Arrigoni & Diana 1990: 279):—ITALY. Bastia in sabulosis maritimis,
1821, Salzmann s.n. (G-DC).
Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Brundu, I. Camarda
Limonium syracusanum Brullo, Bot. Not. 133(3): 284(–285, fig. 7). 1980. [18 September 1980]
Ind. Loc.:—“S. Panagia (Siracusa)”. SIC
Type:—ITALY. S. Panagia (Siracusa), 30 July 1973, Brullo et Bartolo s.n. (holotype, CAT).
Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo
Limonium tauromenitanum Brullo, Bot. Not. 133(3): 288 (fig. 12). 1980. [18 September 1980]
Ind. Loc.:—“Naxos, Taormina”. SIC
Type:—ITALY. Naxos, Taormina, 6 July 1974, Brullo s.n. (holotype, CAT).
Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo
Statice tenoreana Guss., Enum. Pl. Inarim.: 268. 1855. [after June 1855]
≡ Limonium tenoreanum (Guss.) Pignatti, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 365. 1971.
Ind. Loc.:—“In saxosis maritimis prope Castellammare”. CAM
Type:—Not designated.
Compiled by:—A. Santangelo
NAMES OF VASCULAR PLANTS ENDEMIC TO ITALY Phytotaxa 196 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 125