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Ind. Loc.:—“In aridis alpinis montium Aprutii; Monte Costone, Monte Intermesole presso Aquila”. ABR
                Type (lectotype designated by Del Guacchio & Caputo 2005: 571):—ITALY. In Italiae montibus, Monte
            Corno presso Aquila, August 1823, Gussone s.n. (NAP).
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, A. Stinca

            Asperula deficiens Viv., Fl. Cors. Prodr., App. Alt.: 3. 1830. [15 March 1830]
            ≡ Asperula tomentosa var. deficiens (Viv.) Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. Suppl. 2: 156. 1889.
                Ind. Loc.:—“H. in parva insula Tavolara dicta, Corsicae attigua”. SAR
                Type (lectotype designated by Diana Corrias 1980: 289):—ITALY. Asperula deficiens Viv.! / ex Herbario
            Viviani (TO).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Asperula garganica  Huter ex  Ehrend. & Krendl, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68(4): 268. 1974. [30 October 1974]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Gargano, in rupestribus elatioribus montis St. Angelo”. PUG
                Type:—ITALY. Italia australis, Apulia: Gargano, in rupestribus elatioribus montis S.  Angelo,
            2000–2200ˈ, 23 June 1875, Porta et Rigo 579 (holotype, W).
                Note:—Ehrendorfer & Krendl (1974) originally attributed the name of this species to Huter, Porta & Rigo,
            referring to the collection n. 579 of these authors. However, on the original label, only Huter is quoted. Hence, only
            the latter author, followed by “ex”, can be inserted before the names of the publishing authors.
                Compiled by:—M. Villani

            Asperula gussonei Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. s. 1, 10: 63. 1849. [March–April 1849]
            ≡ Asperula cynanchica var. gussonei (Boiss.) Fiori, Nuov. Fl. Italia 2(4): 503. 1927.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Hab. in rupibus excelsioribus Nebrodum Siciliae”. SIC
                Type (lectotype designated by Brullo et al. 2009a: 86):—ITALY. Madonie, all’ovest del Monte Scalone, 30
            June, Gussone s.n. (NAP).
                Note:—According to Art. 60.7 of ICN the spelling of the specific epithet originally published as “Gussonii” is
            to be corrected in “gussonei”.
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Asperula cynanchica var. lactea Huter, Porta & Rigo ex Galasso var. nov.

            It is distinct from A. cynanchica for the constantly milky-white flowers, from Asperula aristata sensu lato for the
                  flowers with tube ± as long as perianth lobes (G. Galasso).

            ≡ Asperula montana var. lactea Huter, Porta & Rigo, Sched. Itin. Ital. 3: 253. 1878. [after 8 January 1878] nom.
            nud. ≡ Asperula lactea Brullo, Gargano, N.G.Passal. & Peruzzi, Inform. Bot. Ital. 42(2): 529. 2010. nom. nud. ≡
            Asperula lactea (Huter,  Porta & Rigo ex Galasso) Brullo, Gargano, N.G.Passal. & Peruzzi  comb. nov. Bas.:
            Asperula cynanchica var. lactea Huter, Porta & Rigo ex Galasso
                Ind. Loc.:—“Calabria II orient. in rupibus calcar., perpendicolaribus m.te Consolino ad Stilo 5–700 m”. CAL
                Type:—ITALY. Calabria II orient. in rupibus calcar., perpendicolaribus m.te Consolino ad Stilo 5–700 m, 14
            June 1877, Huter, Porta et Rigo 255 (holotype, FI).
                Note:—The name published along with Huter, Porta & Rigo’s collection n. 255 is actually a nomen nudum,
            which is validly described and combined at species level  here. We choose here to  describe a  variety  and
            simultaneously propose a combination (made by different authors) to maintain almost the same authorsphip used
            up to now for this species. This is allowed by ICN (see also Crouch et al. 2014).
                Compiled by:—G. Galasso, L. Bernardo, N.G. Passalacqua, L. Peruzzi

            Asperula peloritana  C.Brullo, Brullo, Giusso & Scuderi, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 66(1): 86(–90, 92, figs. 2,
            3b, 6, tab. 1, map). 2009. [6 July 2009]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sicily, Peloritani, Monte Scuderi, lungo il versante settentrionale”. SIC

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