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Ind. Loc.:—“Calabria”. CAL
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—Podlech (1987–2011) reported in electronic material (Portable Document Format) a type specimen for
            this name: “e Calabria, communicatus olim mecum sub nomine A. eriocephalus (LE)”. According to the Art. 29 of
            ICN the electronic  material  distributed by Podlech does  not  constitute effective  publication  and therefore the
            proposed typification is not valid.
                Compiled by:—L. Bernardo, N.G. Passalacqua, F. Bartolucci

            Astragalus raphaelis G.Ferro, Atti Ist. Bot. Lab. Crittog. Univ. Pavia s. 6, 13: 45(–50, fig. 1). 1980. [1978–1979
            publ. December 1980]
                Ind. Loc.:—“ S. Nicola (comune di Butera), alt. 1/m m 210, campi abbandonati su substrato argilloso”. SIC
                Type:—ITALY. S. Nicola (comune di Butera), alt. 1/m m 210, campi abbandonati su substrato argilloso, 7
            April 1974, G. Ferro 3183/8 (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo, F. Bartolucci

            Astragalus siculus Biv., Giorn. Polit. Lett. Palermo 4: [3]. 1810. [22 January 1810]
            ≡ Astragalus granatensis subsp.  siculus  (Biv.)  Franco & P.Silva, Feddes Repert.  79: 49.  1968. ≡ Astracantha
            sicula (Biv.) Greuter ex Reer & Podlech, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 22: 544. 1986. ≡ Astracantha sicula
            (Biv.) Greuter, Willdenowia 15(2): 425. 1986. isonym
                Ind. Loc.:—“Trovasi questo frutice sulla regione alta dell’Etna e sù i monti di Madonia”. SIC
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—The protologue publication lacks pagination. Podlech (1987–2011) reported in electronic material
            (Portable Document Format) a type specimen for this name: “Sicilia, s.d., Bivona s.n. (FI-WEBB)”. According to
            the Art. 29 of ICN the electronic material distributed by Podlech does not constitute effective publication and
            therefore the proposed typification is not valid.
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Astragalus sirinicus Ten., Fl. Neapol. Prodr. App. 5: 23. 1826.
                Ind. Loc.:—“in monti Sirini, prope Lagonegro, pratis saxosis. Floret julio.”. BAS
                Type:—Not designated.
                Note:—Podlech (1987–2011) reported in electronic material (Portable Document Format) a type specimen for
            this  name: “in  montes Sirini, prope Lago  negro, s.d.,  M. Tenore s.n.  (K)”.  According to Art. 29  of ICN  the
            electronic material distributed by  Podlech does  not  constitute effective  publication  and therefore the proposed
            typification is not valid.
                Compiled by:—F. Bartolucci, F. Conti

            Astragalus tegulensis Bacch. & Brullo, Candollea 65(1): 6(–11, 5–14, figs. 1–2, 3a–b, 6b–d, tab. 1, map). 2010. [5
            July 2010]
                Ind. Loc.:—“SARDINIA. Sulcis: Cala Piombo (Teulada – CI)”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. SARDINIA. Sulcis: Cala Piombo (Teulada – CI), 3 m, 38°53'44.69"N 8°38'37.29"E,
            SW  215°, incl. 45°, panchina tirreniana,  termomedit inf./secco inf.,  10  May 2007,  G. Bacchetta, S. Cinus, D.
            Cogoni, G. Fenu et S. Pinna 44/07 (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi

            Astragalus terraccianoi Vals., Webbia 49(1): 34(–37, 32, fig. 3, map). 1994. [30 September 1994]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sardegna: Alghero–Cala della Barca (Capo Caccia)”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardegna: Alghero–Cala della Barca  (Capo Caccia), 12 April 1980,  F. Valsecchi  s.n.
            (holotype, SASSA).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Astragalus thermensis Vals., Webbia 49(1): 32(–34, fig. 1, map). 1994. [30 November 1994]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Badesi mare”. SAR

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