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the termination of the epithet (Art. 60 Ex. 39 of ICN). After the lectotype designation, the type locality can be
            identified as Mautana (Sicily).
                Compiled by:—C. Salmeri, S. Brullo

            Astragalus genargenteus Moris, Stirp. Sard. Elench. 1: 11(–12). 1827. [April or later 1827]
            ≡ Astragalus sirinicus subsp. genargenteus (Moris) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital.:187. 1882.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Habitat in editioribus pascuis Genargentu Sardiniae montis principis: 1800. metr. circiter
            supra maris superficiem”. SAR
                Type (lectotype designated by Corrias 1979: 297 as the holotype):—ITALY. Astragalus genargenteus Mor.,
            s.d., Moris s.n. (TO).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Astragalus gennarii Bacch. & Brullo, Willdenowia 36(1): 160(–162, 164, fig. 2, tab. 1). 2006. [20 April 2006]
            ≡ Astragalus genargenteus subsp. gennarii (Bacch. & Brullo) Arrigoni, Parlatorea 8: 57. 2006.
                Ind. Loc.:—“Sardinia, Monte Albo, Punta Turuddò–Lula”. SAR
                Type:—ITALY. Sardinia, Monte Albo, Punta Turuddò–Lula, 26 May 2004, Bacchetta et al. s.n. (holotype,
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, I. Camarda

            Astragalus kamarinensis C.Brullo, Brullo, Giusso, Miniss. & Sciandr., Ann. Bot. Fenn. 50(1–2): 62(–66, 61–67,
            figs. 1–2, 3a, 4, tab. 1). 2013. [12 April 2013, e-published]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Italy, Sicily, C.da Salina, presso Kamarina (Ragusa), su suoli sabbiosi”. SIC
                Type:—ITALY. Italy, Sicily, C.da Salina, presso Kamarina (Ragusa), su suoli sabbiosi, 24 April 2011, S.
            Sciandrello s.n. (holotype, CAT).
                Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi

            Astragalus maritimus Moris, Fl. Sardoa 1: 523(–524). 1837. [late April 1837]
                Ind. Loc.:—“in arenosis litoreis Spalmadura de fora insulae S. Pietro”. SAR
                Type (lectotype designated by Corrias 1978: 243 as the holotype):—ITALY. in arenosis litoreis Spalmatura
            de fora, 1827, Moris s.n. (TO).
                Compiled by:—A. Brunu, G. Brundu, I. Camarda

            Astragalus muelleri subsp. etruscus Peruzzi, Gestri & Pierini, Fl. Medit. 24: 237 (–238, fig. 1, tab. 1, map). 2014.
            [30 December 2014, e-published]
                Ind. Loc.:—“Agro di Seggiano, Piagge, loc. Calanche, suffruticeti sui pendii calanchivi argilloso-calcarei
            verso il T. Vivo, 500 m, diffuso”. TOS
                Type:—ITALY. Agro di Seggiano, Piagge, loc. Calanche, suffruticeti sui pendii calanchivi argilloso-calcarei
            verso il T. Vivo, 500 m, diffuso, 11 July 2009, F. Selvi 3195 (holotype, FI).
                Compiled by:—L. Peruzzi

            Astragalus siculus var. nebrodensis Guss., Fl. Sic. Prodr. 2: 476(–477). 1828–1832.
            ≡  Astragalus nebrodensis  (Guss.) Strobl, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 37: 245.  1887.  ≡  Astracantha nebrodensis (Guss.)
            Greuter, Willdenowia 15(2): 425. 1986.
                Ind. Loc.:—“In ardidis montosis: Madonie”. SIC
                Type:—Not designated.
                Compiled by:—A. Santangelo, G. Domina

            Astragalus calabricus Fisch., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 26(2, 4): 402(–403). 1854. [1853 publ. 9
            February 1854]
            ≡ Astracantha thracica subsp. calabrica (Fisch.) Greuter, Willdenowia 15(2): 426. 1986. ≡ Astracantha parnassi
            subsp. calabrica (Fisch.) Podlech, Sendtnera 1: 270. 1993. ≡ Astragalus parnassi  subsp.  calabricus (Fisch.)
            Maassoumi, Astragalus Old  World 303( – 304). 1998.

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