Page 10 - Pretto_Celesti_2012
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Non-native plant species in Mediterranean islands                                       2567

          ferry connections at the height of summer. The  effect on the two response datasets (Table 2). Never-
          remaining islands were further divided according to  theless, when we analyzed the matrix of total non-native
          the presence/absence of artificial surfaces, i.e. where  species, the environmental component accounted for
          human disturbance promotes the occurrence of non-  most of the explained variation in species composition
          native plant species. Latitude was instead found to  (33.33 %) after controlling for the effects of geography
          play an important role in islands on which artificial  and human impact, while the geographical (28.13 %)
          surfaces were absent, with the southernmost islands  and human-related variables (27.15 %) yielded slightly
          hosting the lowest number of introduced plants. By  smaller pure effects. By considering the matrix of
          contrast, in islands on which artificial surfaces were  the established non-native species, the pure effect of the
          present, the distance from the nearest island, which  human-mediated component surpassed those of the
          was closely correlated with the distance from the  other two groups of variables (35.83 vs. 28.13 % and
          mainland, was a major determinant of non-native plant  27.15 % respectively).
          species richness, probably influencing the intensity of  In both cases, we found small fractions of shared
          both past and current human exploitation.       variation, which were due to the joint effect of
             Given the small number of casual taxa found on the  different components. The majority of these shared
          37 islands, the regression tree obtained by using the  effects were accounted for by the joint effect of
          established non-native species richness as the response  geography and environment. Negative values were
          variable was, as expected, very similar (Fig. 2b). The  detected for the joint effect of the environmental
          only noteworthy difference concerned the islands on  and human-related variables. According to Legendre
          which artificial surfaces were present, where the  and Legendre (1998), positive values in the shared
          greater proportion of volcanic lithology appears to  variation component of factors indicate collinear
          contribute to the establishment of a higher number of  variation, whereas negative values indicate that the
          non-native taxa.                                corresponding explanatory variables had opposite
                                                          effects (i.e. one process hindered the contribution of
          Determinants of non-native species composition  the other in the joint regression model).

          In the preliminary DCA, the length of the first gradient
          was 3.282 SD for total non-native species and 3.461 SD  Discussion
          for establishednon-nativespecies,therebyjustifyingthe
          use of unimodal method for the variation partitioning  The findings of this study highlight the predominant
          analysis. Variation partitioning analysis shows that the  role played by human activity, expressed both as
          fraction of variance explained by the explanatory  tourism pressure and extension of artificial surfaces,
          variables is equal to 32.95 % for total non-native  on the richness and composition of non-native flora on
          species and 51.5 % for established non-native species.  small Mediterranean islands.
          All three groups of variables (geographical, environ-  The regression tree analysis, in particular, reveals
          mental and human-mediated) had a significant pure  the effect exerted by human activities on differences in

          Table 2 Variation partitioning of the composition of all the non-native and that of the established non-native highlighting the
          independent effects of geographical (Geo), environmental (Env) and human-mediated (Man) factors, as well as their overlap
                           Pure components                     Shared components            Unexplained
                           Geo         Env         Man         Geo \  Geo \  Env \  Geo \ Env
                                                               Env   Man    Man    \ Man

          Total non-native  0.432      0.512       0.417       0.101  0.031  0.023  0.020   3.195
            plant species   (p = 0.0002)  (p = 0.035)  (p = 0.003)
          Established non-  0.346      0.441       0.535       0.109  0.038  -0.009  0.033  2.28
            native plant species  (p = 0.0002)  (p = 0.0008)  (p = 0.0002)
          Negative values for the shared components indicate synergy. P-levels for pure components as determined by Monte Carlo
          permutation tests (n = 4,999) are shown in brackets

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