Page 8 - Pretto_Celesti_2012
P. 8

Non-native plant species in Mediterranean islands                                       2565

          established non-native species richness with the  tenfold cross validation was used to obtain estimates of
          explanatory variables. Regression trees represent a  relative errors. The 1-Standard Error rule was
          flexible statistical procedure that explains the variation  employed to select the tree with the best number of
          of a single numeric response variable by repeatedly  splits, whereas the best tree is the minimum cost tree.
          splitting the data into more homogeneous groups   The relative contribution of each group of explanatory
          characterized by the average value of the response  variables to the non-native plant species composition on
          variable, the number of observations and the range of  each island was assessed by means of the variation
          the values of the explanatory variables involved in the  partitioning approach (Borcard et al. 1992). We repeated
          split (De’ath and Fabricius 2000). As it is a non-  the analyses for the datasets of total non-native species
          parametric procedure, it is not necessary to test  and established non-native species separately. In both
          normality or other assumptions regarding the statisti-  cases, we used data on presence/absence and we
          cal distribution of data in advance. Results are  preliminarily tested the unimodal or the linear response
          graphically presented in the form of inverted tree  of the species along the environmental gradient by means
          diagrams which only include independent variables  of a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). There-
          that appear to be predictive of the dependent variable  fore, we conducted a series of Canonical Correspondence
          and are easy to interpret. In recent years, classification  Analyses (CCA) and partial Canonical Correspondence
          and regression trees (CART) have become widely  Analyses (pCCA). The total explained variation was thus
          used techniques for the analysis of large and complex  decomposed in seven components: the pure effect of
          environmental data even in the field of biological  geographical, environmental and human-related vari-
          invasions (Pys ˇek et al. 2009; Pys ˇek et al. 2010a, b).  ables, three first-order shared components (geographi-
             In order to account for species-area relationships, the  cal ? environmental,  geographical ? human-related,
          number of total non-native and established non-native  environmental ? human-related) and the component
          species on each island were regressed on the log-island  shared by all three groups of variables. The statistical
          area, while Pearson’s standardized residuals were used  significance of the unique contributions was tested using
          as the response variable. To reduce the multicollinearity  4,999 unrestricted permutations under the null model.
          between the 14 explanatory variables and to select only  The explanatory variables used in the variation
          the most appropriate ones, we included the variables in a  partitioning analysis were the same as those employed
          bivariate correlation matrix. When a pair was highly  in the regression tree analysis plus island area. Prior to
          correlated (r C 0.70), we retained only one variable for  performing the canonical ordination, we reduced the
          further analysis. After this procedure, the following  number of descriptors by means of a forward selection
          predictor variables were entered in the regression tree  procedure associated with Monte Carlo permutation
          analysis: latitude, longitude, distance from the closest  tests in order to avoid an overestimation of the
          island, altitude, percentage of volcanic lithology, per-  explained variation in the data (Økland and Eilertsen
          centage of island area covered by artificial surfaces,  1994). We thus also obtained an approximately equal
          percentage of island area covered by agricultural  number of descriptors in each component and reduced
          surfaces, percentage of island area subjected to envi-  the risk of groups with higher numbers of descriptors
          ronmental protection measures and tourist pressure.  being comparatively overvalued in the partial analysis
          Distance from the mainland, perimeter and percentage  (Borcard et al. 1992). All the variables included in the
          of sedimentary lithology were correlated, respectively,  final model were considered to be significant at
          with the distance from the nearest island, area and  p \ 0.05.
          percentage of volcanic lithology, whereas population  All the multivariate analyses were implemented in
          density was eliminated because of its strong correlation  the program CANOCO version 4 (ter Braak and
          with the percentage of artificial surfaces. Tourism  Smilauer 1998).
          pressure and the extension of artificial surfaces are
          positively correlated, though not significantly (r =
          0.61). Regression trees were performed by means of  Results
          the Salford Predictive Miningsuite (SPM; http://salford-
 using the default settings: the least-  The 37 islands host 154 non-native vascular plant
          squares was chosen as the splitting criterion and  species, which account for 16.7 % of the 920 non-

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