Page 7 - Pretto_Celesti_2012
P. 7

2564                                                                             F. Pretto et al.

                                                            The islands were digitized into a spatially refer-
               Resident  population  1  77  11,275  0  6,444  enced GIS database (ArcGis 9.3), which allowed us to
                                                          directly derive the following explanatory variables:
                                                          latitude, longitude, area, perimeter and two widely
                                                          used measures of island isolation: (1) distance from
               Altitude  (m)  408  212  90  17  211       the mainland coastline and (2) distance from the
                                                          coastline of the nearest island. Indeed, the assessment
                                                          of isolation should take into account the fact that
                                                          islands close to the mainland, particularly those
                                                          belonging to a dense archipelago, may act as stepping
               (km 2 )                                    stones, thereby reducing the isolation of more distant
                                                          islands and increasing the likelihood of colonization
               Area  51.57  15.82  20.15  1.20  50.89     for both non-native and native species.

                                                            We inferred the intensity of human disturbance and
                                                          current land management by calculating the percentage
               from  (km)                                 of the area of each island occupied by artificial surfaces,
                                                          that covered by agricultural surfaces and that subjected
               Distance  mainland  1.83  1.16  1.46  0.54  5.82  to environmental protection measures. As a baseline,
                                                          we used the overlays available at the European
                                                          Environmental Agency website (version 13/2010; http:
                                                          // and inclu-
                                                          ded within the Italian project GIS Natura (Politecnico di
               Latitude  4545155  4562205  4564710  4536296  4332638  Milano 2005). The latter project was also adopted as the
                                                          source of the lithological overlay that we used to define
                                                          the percentage of volcanic substratum and sedimentary
                                                            Information on the maximum elevation of the
               lithology  types  intrusive  intrusive  Metamorphic  types  islands was derived from atlases or specific publica-
                                                          tions, while data on human population density were
                                                          obtained from ISTAT ( As a proxy
               Main  Several  Volcanic  Volcanic  Several  for tourism pressure, in the absence of comparable
                                                          data on the receptive capacity of the islands or on the
                                                          annual number of visitors, we used the number of
                                                          ferries that reach each island on the same day at the
               Administrative  region  Sardinia  Sardinia  Sardinia  Sardinia  Sardinia  parable in size, this number provides a measure of how
                                                          height of summer (15 July). As most ferries are com-

                                                          many people and goods arrive from the mainland in
                                                          the peak tourist season.

                                                          Statistical analysis

               Code  ASIN  CAPR_S  LAMA  ISOL  SANP       In order to investigate the effects of the geographi-
                                                          cal, environmental and human-mediated factors on
                                                          non-native species richness and composition, both
            cotinued                                      including and excluding casuals (i.e. not-established

                                                          species), we used two nested species datasets: total
            1  name       Maddalena  Piana  Pietro        non-native and established non-native species.
            Table  Island  Asinara  Caprera  La  Isola  San  to determine the relationship of total non-native and
                                                            Univariate regression tree analysis was performed

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