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Mandibles and molars of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)

            Table 1 Localities and groups used in statistical analyses, with latitude and number of items analysed
            Group        M/I      GENET      Country     Locality         Coll       Latitude    M1      Md

            FR-IEV       M        WEUR       France      St Me ´en        MHNH       48.2        6        6
            FR-CH        M        WEUR       France      Lignie `res      MHNH       46.8        10      11
            FR-LA        M        WEUR       France      Marais Poitevin  JRM        46.8        2        1
                                                         Puceul           MHNH       47.6        21      21
            FR-OL        I        WEUR       France      Ole ´ron         JRM        45.9        15      15
            FR-RE        I        WEUR       France      Re ´             JRM        46.2        7        6
            FR-YEU       I        WEUR                   Yeu              JRM        46.7        1        1
            FR-NM        I        WEUR                   Noirmoutier      JRM        47.0        3        3
            FR-MTP       M        WEUR       France      Montpellier      JRM        44.0        14      14
            FR-S         M        WEUR       France      Cap Lardier      JRM        43.3        6        4
                                                         Esterel          JRM        43.4        2        1
                                                         La Penne         JRM        43.9        4        4
                                                         Ce ´vennes       JRM        44.4        3        2
            FR-PORQ      I        WEUR       France      Porquerolles     JRM        43.0        11       8
            FR-PTCR               WEUR                   Port Cros        JRM        43.0        7        4
            CO           I        IBK        France      Bonifacio        JRM        41.4        3        3
                                                         Fango            JRM        42.4        5        5
            IT-CAL       M        IBK        Italy       Gambaria         JRM        38.2        2        3
            IT-TARQ               IBK                    Tarquinia        JRM        42.3        32      25
            IT-GROS               IBK                    Grosseto         JRM        42.8        6        5
            IT-SARD      I        IBK        Italy       Sardinia         JRM        40.9        3        2
            ELBA         I        IBK                    Elba             JRM        42.8        1        1
            SIC-FIC      I        SIC        Italy       Ficuzza          JRM        37.7        7        6
            SIC-GRAT     I        SIC                    Grateri          JRM        38.0        8        9
            SIC-M        I        SIC                    Marettimo        JRM        38.0        1        1
            PYR          M        WEUR       France      Banyuls          JRM        42.5        10       6
                                             Spain       Figueras         JRM        42.3        5        5
                                             Spain       Fabian           JRM        42.6        4        4
            SP-MUR       M        WEUR       Spain       Murcia           JRM        38.0        15      15
            SP-ALC       M        WEUR       Spain       Alcoy            JRM        38.7        10      10
            SP-N                  WEUR                   Nogais           JRM        42.8        3        3
                                                         Posada           JRM        43.2        3        3
            IBIZ         I        WEUR       Spain       Ibiza            JRM        38.9        9        9
            M1, first upper molar; Md, mandible; M/I, mainland/island; Coll, collection (MNHN, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; JRM,
            Johan R. Michaux); GENET, genetic clade (WEUR, western European; IBK, Italo-Balkanic; SIC, Sicily).

                                                              starting point was defined at the meeting point of the incisor
            Outline analysis
                                                              and the bone at the upper edge of the mandible. For both the
            The outline describes the overall shape of morphological  mandible and the first upper molar (M1), we sampled
            features. For molars, it describes the relative position and  64 points equally spaced along the outline.
            swelling of the cusps. The outline of the bone in mandibles  A radial Fourier transform (RFT) was applied to the M1
            provides a good description of the processes involved in the  outlines (Renaud, 1999; Renaud & Michaux, 2003). Using the
            insertion of the masticatory muscles, as well as of the alveolar  x,y-coordinates of the points, 64 radii (i.e. distance of each
            region hosting the cheek teeth and the incisors. In both cases,  point to the centre of gravity of the outline) were calculated.
            outline analysis is an appropriate method to use to describe  Using the RFT, the initial data set was described by the
            subtle geographical changes in characters related to feeding  variations of the radius as a function of the cumulative
            (Renaud & Michaux, 2003; Renaud, 2005).           distance along the outline. This function is approximated by a
              The first upper molar was described by its two-dimensional  finite sum of trigonometric functions of decreasing wave-
            projection viewed from the occlusal surface. The starting point  length, the harmonics. Each harmonic was weighted by two
            was the maximum of curvature at the fore-part of the tooth.  Fourier coefficients (FC), A n and B n . The zero harmonic A 0 is
            The outline of the mandible describes the projection of the  proportional to the size of each outline and was used to
            hemi-mandible put flat on its side with the lingual side down.  standardize all other the Fourier coefficients in order to
            As the incisors can be free moving and the molars missing,  eliminate isometric size effects and to concentrate on shape
            only the outline of the mandibular bone was considered. The  information only.

            Journal of Biogeography 34, 339–355                                                         341
            ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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