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Mandibles and molars of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)

                                                              between size estimators, retaining a sign indicator to show a
            Reduction of multivariate shape variation on synthetic axes
                                                              size increase or decrease. To estimate the amount of
            The shape of each outline was described by a set of Fourier  morphological difference in a fully multivariate way, the
            coefficients: 24 for the mandible (EFT: four FCs per six  shape difference was estimated as Euclidean distance on the
            harmonics, the FCs of the first harmonic being excluded from  FCs. Data from Marettimo islet were excluded, firstly since
            the analysis) and 18 for the M1 (RFT: two FCs per nine  the population was sampled by a single animal and second
            harmonics). These sets of coefficients have been analysed using  because it is an intricate case of isolation from the insular
            multivariate statistics. The differences between localities were  population of Sicily.
            tested using a multivariate analysis of variance (manova, test  Finally, the physical and ecological parameters were categ-
            considered: Wilks’ lambda). Canonical axes were estimated  orized and their influence on the morphological divergence
            using the manova analyses, and these allowed us to display the  investigated using a one-way analysis of variance. As sample
            morphological variability on a few synthetic shape axes.  size was small (N ¼ 12) we used the Kruskall–Wallis test,
              The biological interpretation of these axes relies on visual-  which is a nonparametric analogue.
            izing the shape changes they describe. Reconstructions can be  All statistical analyses were performed using Systat 10 and
            obtained from a set of FCs corresponding to scores on the  NTsys-pc 2.1 (Rohlf, 2000).
            synthetic axes, thereafter using an inverse Fourier transform.
            Such a set of coefficients was obtained by calculating the
            multivariate regression parameters of FCs (dependent varia-
            bles) upon the relevant synthetic axis (independent variable).
                                                              Patterns of shape differentiation of the mandible and
            In this case, the multivariate regression corresponds to the set
            of all single regressions of FCs upon the synthetic axis (Monti
            et al., 2001).                                    Significant morphological differentiation was found for both
              The relationship of the synthetic shape axes with (geo-  molars and mandibles (manova on Fourier coefficients:
            graphical) latitude was investigated using simple linear  P < 0.001). The percentage of among-group variance dis-
            regression on the first two canonical axes from the manova.  played by the first two axes was limited (35.3% for the
                                                              mandibles and 44.1% for the molars), but most of the
                                                              divergence expressed on subsequent axes corresponds to some
            Multivariate analysis of the morphological variability
                                                              local differentiation. Only the results based on the first two
            Although clearly useful for visualizing the pattern of morpho-  axes are shown and discussed in detail (Fig. 2).
            logical shape variability, expressing this variation on a few  The pattern of mandible differentiation is shown in
            synthetic axes leads to a loss of information. Therefore, the  Fig. 2(a). The mandibles of the two mainland clades appear
            relationships of shape with clade, size, latitude and insularity  to be very similar, although some difference appears on axis
            were also investigated using a range of complementary  CA2. The Italian mandibles are grouped on the range of the
            approaches.                                       variation exhibited by the western European group, possibly
              The relationship of shape and univariate parameters such as  because of a more restricted latitudinal range.
            size and latitude was investigated using multivariate regression,  Insular mandible morphologies scatter around the mainland
            with the Fourier coefficients as the dependent variables. As  populations. Except for Port-Cros, Porquerolles and the
            a significant relationship between size and shape may cause a  Sicilian islet Marettimo, islands tend to display negative values
            latitudinal shape variation through allometry, the residuals of  along axes CA1 and CA2 (Fig. 2a). The most divergent insular
            a multivariate regression of the FCs on size were also regressed  populations on the first canonical plane are Porquerolles
            onto latitude. A similar approach was used on mainland  (along CA1), Sardinia (along CA2), Corsica and the single
            samples, in order to identify a possible differentiation among  specimen from Elba (along CA1). Reconstructed outlines allow
            the two clades. The residuals of a regression of the FCs onto  a visual interpretation of the canonical plot. The mandible
            latitude were tested for clade differences.       traits characterizing the insular populations are subtle. Positive
              Euclidean distances were calculated among group means for  differences along CA1 include mandibles with a smooth
            shape and size. The relationships between various data sets  alveolar region, a reduced coronoid process, and a wide and
            were investigated using a comparison of the distance matrices  rounded angular process. Negative deviations are displayed by
            (Mantel t-test).                                  mandibles with a pronounced alveolar region, prominent
              The amount of morphological divergence on each island  coronoid process and a slender angular process. The second
            was compared with different physical and ecological charac-  axis has massive mandibles with a straight lower border
            teristics of the islands. In order to take into account the  displaying positive divergence, whereas negative divergence
            effect of latitude and of the various mainland source  was seen in slender mandibles with an undulating outline and
            populations (Michaux et al., 2002a; Gou ¨y de Bellocq et al.,  prominent processes.
            2003), the amount of divergence was estimated as the  The differentiation between the two mainland clades is
            difference between the mean value of the island and the  better expressed by the shape of the first upper molar (Fig. 2b).
            closest mainland relative. Simple differences were calculated  Sample means from mainland Italy and western Europe are

            Journal of Biogeography 34, 339–355                                                         343
            ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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