Page 9 - Renaud_Michaux_2007
P. 9

Mandibles and molars of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (L.)

                                              (a)  0.5
                                                                                              Distance to
                                                                                                D < 10 km
                                                                                   FR-Y         10  < D < 200 km
                                                Md size (Area H1)  0.1  FR-RE  CO               D > 200 km

                                                                       FR-PORQ                Ln(island area)
                                                      FR-PTCR                                   10
                                                      FR-NM                                     8
                                                                   SARD                         2
                                                 –0.3                                           0
                                                   –0.5          0.0         0.5          1.0
                                                                   M1 Size (A0)
                                              (b) 0.07

            Figure 4 Insularity effect on size (a) and  0.05
            shape (b) of molar vs. mandible of the wood  Md shape (Dist. FCs EFT7)
            mouse. (a) The size divergence is estimated as  IBIZ
            the difference between the mean value of the  0.04   FR-RE
            size estimator (A 0 for molars and area H1 for  CO                   SIC-FIC
            the mandible) on one island and its closest          FR-PTCR
            mainland relative. (b) The divergence in                           SIC-GRAT
                                                 0.03              FR-NM  FR-PORQ
            shape is estimated as the Euclidean distance
            between the mean values of the FCs (RFT9
            for the molar and EFT7 for the mandible) of       ELBA
            one island and its closest mainland relative.  0.02
            The size of each symbol is proportional to the  0.00  0.01       0.02        0.03
            logarithm of the island area.                     M1 Shape (Dist. FCs RFT9)

            Ecological parameters such as competition and predation,  the island may counterbalance its remoteness, possibly leading
            however, are known to play an important role in island  to a decrease in mandible size.
            evolution. These parameters are difficult to assess reliably for  The amount of shape divergence of M1 was related to island
            all the islands, because predators and competitors may vary  area but was minimal on islands of intermediate size (Elba,
            greatly from one island to another, and density is also a  Corsica, Ibiza). The shape of the mandible varied with the
            crucial factors that cannot be easily quantified. Quantitative  remoteness of the island. As in the case of mandible size,
            comparisons were performed between morphological estima-  intermediate levels of remoteness (Yeu, Ibiza, Corsica) pro-
            tors and these various parameters of the islands, but  moted divergence of mandible shape. Finally, the number of
            comparisons with ecological factors should be considered  competitors on the island was also related to divergence of
            with caution.                                     mandible shape, with maximal divergence for three compet-
              The size of M1 did not correlate with any investigated  itors (Yeu, Ibiza, Re ´).
            parameter (Table 6). The size of the mandible was related to
            island area, although in a nonlinear fashion. Mandibular size
            increased on islands of intermediate size (Ibiza, Corsica, Elba)
            and/or at intermediate distances to the mainland (Yeu,  The most striking result from this study is the discrepancy
            Corsica, Ibiza). In the case of Sardinia, the very large size of  between a latitudinal mainland gradient in size and shape of

            Journal of Biogeography 34, 339–355                                                         347
            ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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