Page 6 - Renaud_Michaux_2007
P. 6

S. Renaud and J. R. Michaux

                    (a)            Mandible (EFT7)               (b)           Molar M1 (RFT9)
                       3                                            3
                       2                                            2                 SIC-GRAT
                                                                                     IT-TARQ  SIC-FIC
                      MdCA2 (16.3%)  1   PYR   FR-S  FR-OL   FR-NM   M1CA2 (20.1%)  1 0  FR-PTCR   IT-CAL   IT-GROS   FR-IEV
                                       FR-Y   IBIZ  SP-MUR   SIC-M              IBIZ   FR-S   FR-LA
                                  FR-RE                                           SP-MUR    FR-Y
                             ELBA        SP-ALC                              FR-RE
                       –1        SIC-FIC   IT-TARQ                 –1                  PYR      FR-CH
                                  CO    SIC-GRAT
                                 SARD                                       FR-OL
                       –2                                          –2
                        –4  –3  –2  –1   0   1   2   3   4          –3    –2   –1    0    1     2    3
                                   MdCA1 (19.0%)                              M1CA1 (24.0%)


              Figure 2 Shape variability of the mandible (a) and first upper molar (b), estimated by the first two axes of a canonical analysis on the EFT
              Fourier coefficients of the mandible and the RFT coefficients of the M1 outline. Symbols correspond to the average value per geographical
              group. Dotted lines enclose the range of variation of the mainland western European and Italo-Balkanic clades. Reconstructed outlines on
              the plot visualize the average shape of some geographical groups (EFT mandible, seven harmonics, RFT M1, nine harmonics). Below, shape
              changes corresponding to the canonical axes are depicted. The open outline corresponds to the average shape; light grey outlines to the
              maximum values of the axes on the plot; dark grey outlines to exaggerated variations on the axes (mandible: scores ¼ 10/–10 and M1:
              scores ¼ 5/–5). On the lowermost upper mandible outline, abbreviations indicate the name of the processes: cor., coronoid; cond., condylar;
              ang., angular.

              segregated without overlap on axes CA1 and CA2. Except for  posterior labial cusp are shifted to the negative side. The
              Corsica and the single M1 from Yeu, insular morphologies  second axis opposes slender (positive CA2) to massive molars
              scatter outside the mainland range. Sicilian populations (that  (negative CA2).
              constitute a peculiar genetic clade related to the Italian one)
              are grouped towards positive CA2 values but still remain close
                                                                Interplay of the latitudinal gradient with insular
              to the Italian group. These two genetically related clusters are
              further differentiated along axis CA3 (11.9%, data not shown).
              Other insular populations are displaced towards negative CA1  A primary way of investigating the influence of geography on
              values. The most divergent M1 samples on the first two  morphological differentiation is to plot the results of the
              canonical axes are Porquerolles and Port-Cros (along CA1),  canonical analyses as a function of latitude (Fig. 3a,c). Since
              the single tooth from Marettimo (towards positive CA2),  insular effects might interfere with the latitudinal gradient, the
              Noirmoutier and Ole ´ron (towards negative CA2).  existence of a linear relationship between the canonical axes
               Reconstructed outlines indicate that molars with a straight  and latitude was tested on mainland samples only. The
              labial side (on the left of the outline) and a pointed fore and  gradient appeared to be expressed on axis CA2 for mandibles
              back part are displaced on the positive side of the first axis,  (linear correlation of group means with latitude, N ¼ 12, CA1:
              whereas molars with an undulating labial side and a prominent  R ¼ 0.190, P ¼ 0.553; CA2: R ¼ 0.788, P ¼ 0.002) and on

              344                                                                  Journal of Biogeography 34, 339–355
                                                          ª 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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