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Rosso A. et al.

Nevertheless, it could not be excluded that the       
species appeared earlier than this. The B. prenanti             html (accessed 5.III.2009).
n. comb. bearing layers from the Contrada Inferno            DI GERONIMO I., COSTA B., LA PERNA R., RANDAZZO G.,
have not been dated due to the absence of strati-               ROSSO A. & SANFILIPPO R. 1994. — The Pleistocene
graphic markers, but sedimentation in the area                  “Case Catarinicchia” section (Belice, SW Siciliy), in
(Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Basin) became in the                 MATTEUCCI R., CARBONI M. G. & PIGNATTI J. S.
Early Pleistocene and locally date back since the               (eds), Studies on Ecology and Paleoecology of Benthic
Middle-Late Pliocene (Messina 2003).                            communities. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica
                                                                Italiana, spec. vol. 2: 93-115.
Acknowledgements                                             GAUTIER Y. V. 1955. — Bryozoaires de Castiglione.
J.-G. Harmelin (Station marine d’Endoume), J.-L.                Bulletin Station Aquiculture Pêche, Castiglione, n. s.
d’Hondt (MNHN), A. Balduzzi (Dipartimento per                   7: 227-271.
lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse – DIP.          GAUTIER Y. V. 1962. — Recherches écologiques sur les
TE.RIS, Genova), H. Chaney (Santa Barbara Natural               Bryozoaires chilostomes en Méditerranée occidentale.
History Museum, California), A. Ostrovsky (Uni-                 Recueil des Travaux de la Station marine d’Endoume
versity of Vienna), M. Spencer Jones (BMNH), G.                 38 (24): 1-434.
Sturiale (Dipartimento Scienze Geologiche, Catania)          GORDON D. P. & GRISCHENKO A. V. 1994. — Bryozoan
and K. Tilbrook (UK), are kindly acknowledged for               frontal shields: the type species of Desmacystis, Rham-
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and discussions. J.-L. d’Hondt is particularly ac-              and new genus Arctonula. Zoologica Scripta 23 (1):
knowledged for observations on the type specimen.               61-72.
Thanks are also due to C. Messina (Statoil-Hydro,            HARMELIN J.-G. 1968. — Bryozoaires récoltés au cours
Trondheim) for providing one of the fossil specimens.           de la campagne du Jean Charcot en Méditerranée
This work was financially supported partly by PRA                orientale (août-septembre 1967). I Dragages. Bulletin
Catania University grants to AR and partly by the               du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 2e sér., 40
CoNISMa 4 AMP project and its research fellow-                  (6): 1179-1208.
ship in taxonomy to AS. Catania Palaeontological             HARMELIN J.-G. 1969. — Bryozoaires récoltés au cours
Research Group: contribution number 368.                        de la campagne du Jean Charcot en Méditerranée
                                                                orientale (août-septembre 1967). I Dragages (suite).
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