Page 6 - Rosso_et_al.2010.Bertorsonidra
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Rosso A. et al.

5 in a single one on the type material) and, most       Tilbrook (2006: 261, pl. 57E, F). In fact, Bertorso-
obviously, the presence or absence of avicularia in     nidra prenanti n. comb., exhibiting a wide shallow
large parts of the colony.                              sinus laterally marked by squared condyles, clearly
                                                        differs from R. argentea, which is characterized by
  Differences in skeletal preservation caused by         a primary orifice with a deep concave sinus not
biostratinomic mechanical stresses and by partial       flanked by condyles. Furthermore, R. argentea shows
dissolution and extensive re-crystallization during     two different kinds of lateral-suboral avicularia:
fossilization often hamper the reliable attribution     1) a smaller and relatively more common one
of fossil specimens to species-level taxa, as recently  opposite to the umbo, acute to the frontal plane,
remarked by Berning (2006). Nevertheless, in the        distally hooked and laterally directed; and 2) a
fossil specimens of R. prenanti, the well-preserved     larger and rarer but more diagnostic one, normal
distinctive frontal wall morphology, together with      to the frontal plane and proximolaterally directed.
the partial or complete preservation of orificial        In contrast, a single avicularium type seems to
spines and even of condyles (usually absent from        be present in the Mediterranean species: lateral
most zooids, seemingly due to their thinness and/       suboral, laterally directed, with a hooked rostrum
or a different mineralogical composition) on at          on a large and prominent cystid. Further differences
least single zooids in a colony, allow for an iden-     include the colour of living tissue (yellowish-white
tification to species level. Representatives of the      in R. argentea), the zooidal outline, and the number,
fossil populations appear very close to the living      extent and morphology of the marginal pores. But
ones. Only few differences between the fossil and        most important differences relate to the presence of
the Recent specimens have been detected, which          an evenly porous zooidal frontal wall in B. prenanti
have been considered as intraspecific variability.       n. comb. (see discussion below).
They include the slightly distal position of the
lateral-suboral avicularia, which are laterally or        Bertorsonidra prenanti n. comb. also differs from
slightly disto-laterally directed; and the relatively   “R. argentea” recorded by Powell (1967: 169, pl. 2,
depressed ovicells, being less distinct from the dis-   fig. 10) from the Red Sea, which have rare obliquely
tal zooid frontal wall (seemingly due to secondary      and proximally directed large avicularia, and is
calcification), tending to form a more V-shaped          actually a different further species, as suggested
proximal border.                                        by Tilbrook (2006). Moreover, photo observation
                                                        of the specimen labelled as Robertsonidra argentea
  Interestingly, fossil specimens from Pianometa        from an unknown Mediterranean locality in the
exhibit some ovicells, which have prominences in        Busk collection (BMNH 1963:4.18.33) but dif-
their central part, thus being somewhat reminiscent     ferent from this species (see discussion in Tilbrook
of the tubercolate ovicells of “Ramphostomella ar-      2006: 262), proved that it is not even conspecific
gentea”, as figured by Zabala & Maluquer (1988).         with B. prenanti n. comb. More detailed analyses
Nevertheless, and apart from this character, both       are needed for its determination.
diagnosis and drawing of Zabala & Maluquer (1988:
123, fig. 275), are probably a conflation.                  Bertorsonidra prenanti n. comb. seems also different
                                                        from R. oligopus (Robertson, 1908), the type species
REMARKS                                                 of Robertsonidra, also synonymised with R. argentea
The species was formerly erected by Gautier (1955)      by Gautier (1962). Robertsonidra oligopus, seemingly
as Tremopora prenanti although subsequently syno-       restricted to the west coast of North America, is
nymised by the same author (Gautier 1962: 261)          characterized by a convex frontal wall with a sub-
with Schizoporella argentea Hincks, 1881 from           oral, medially-placed prominent umbo, a lateral
the Indo-Pacific, following personal suggestions         oral avicularium usually distal-laterally directed,
by M. Prenant and A. B. Hastings. Nevertheless,         and an ovicell with a crenate margin (Robertson
the Mediterranean species is only reminiscent of        1908: 292, pl. 20, figs 50-52). Unfortunately, the
Robertsonidra argentea as described and figured by       primary orifice was not described in detail and
Ryland & Hayward (1992: 261, fig. 19b) and by            drawings, including opercula, only allow to appreci-

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