Page 3 - Rosso_et_al.2010.Bertorsonidra
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Bertorsonidra n. gen. (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) a new genus for Tremopora prenanti Gautier, 1955

localities, all from Sicily (Fig. 1). Two specimens,      20°W  0 20 40°E
from lower Pleistocene sediments, were found at           35°N      Mediterranean Sea
Pianometa (central-eastern Sicily) and Case Catarinic-
chia (western Sicily) sections, which are described in    FIG. 1. — Geographical distribution of Bertorsonidra prenanti (Gautier,
Pedley et al. (2001) and Di Geronimo et al. (1994),       1955) n. comb.: Þ, living populations; ¹, fossil populations.
respectively. A further specimen originates from
Plio-Pleistocene layers cropping out in the Barcellona-   leaving interzooidal spaces. Frontal wall pseudoporous
Pozzo di Gotto Basin, in north-eastern Sicily (Messina    bordered by marginal pores. Orifice semicircular with
2003). The few available living specimens come from       a proximal sinus and lateral condyles. Peristome incon-
two sampling stations in the Egadi Archipelago, off        spicuous. Spines present, not articulated at the base, two
western Sicily. The material was collected within a       persisting in ovicellate zooids. Suboral umbo sporadic
CoNISMa project for the assessement of habitat and        but characteristic. Avicularia present, typically single,
species biodiversity in four Italian Marine Protected     lateral-suboral on an inflated cystid. Ovicell prominent
Areas (4AMP) in October 2007.                             with uncalcified ectooecium and a granular, evenly
                                                          pseudoporous entooecium. Interzooidal communication
  Measurements (in μm) were taken with a Zeiss            through uniporous septulae arranged in a band in the
Stereodiscovery V8 system equipped with Axiocam           vertical walls.
MRC and Axiovision acquisition system. The cleaned
but uncoated material was examined in low vacuum          TYPE SPECIES. — Tremopora prenanti Gautier, 1955 by
conditions with a Tescan Vega 2 LMU Scanning              present designation.
Electron Microscope (SEM).
                                                          ETYMOLOGY. — The name is an anagram of Robertsonidra,
  Type material is housed at the Muséum national          a closely related genus.
d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), whereas newly
collected specimens of the same species are stored at
the Paleontological Museum of Catania University
(PMC). Further examined material is in the Natural
History Museum, London (BMNH).

  Bryozoan systematics follows d’Hondt (2001)
partly revised after the working classification proposed
by D. P. Gordon (pers. comm. 2007) for the eventual
use in the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology.


Suborder ASCOPHORINA Levinsen, 1909 Bertorsonidra prenanti (Gautier, 1955) n. comb.

Infraorder LEPRALIOMORPHA Gordon, 1989                          (Figs 2; 3; 4A)

    Family ROBERTSONIDRIDAE Rosso, n. fam.                Tremopora prenanti Gautier, 1955: 236, pl.1, figs 6-8.

DIAGNOSIS. — As for the genus (see below), but frontal    Rhamphostomella argentea – Gautier 1962: 160. —
wall including a pseudoporous or a centrally imperforate  ?Zabala 1986: 438. — ?Zabala & Maluquer 1988:
area, besides the row of marginal areolae.                124, fig. 275.

        Genus Bertorsonidra Rosso, n. gen.                Non Schizoporella argentea Hincks, 1881: 158, pl. 9,
                                                          fig. 6a, b.
DIAGNOSIS. — Colony encrusting attached to the
substratum through pillar-like structures emanating       Non Robertsonidra argentea – Ryland & Hayward 1992:
from the basal surface. Autozooids loosely arranged and   261, fig. 19b. — Tilbrook 2006: 261, pl. 57E, F.

                                                          Hippoporina sp. – Di Geronimo et al. 1994: 102, part.

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