Page 5 - Rosso_et_al.2010.Bertorsonidra
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Bertorsonidra n. gen. (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) a new genus for Tremopora prenanti Gautier, 1955




FIG. 2. — Bertorsonidra prenanti (Gautier, 1955) n. comb., living specimens from the Egadi Islands (Western Sicily): A, F-H, sample ELE.7,
17 m depth, Cape Grosso, North of the Levanzo Island; B-E, sample EBE.4, 19 m, South of Bassana Point, Marettimo Island (PMC R. I.
H. B9a); A, untreated sterile zooids lacking avicularia seemingly from near the periancestrular area, large interzooidal lacunae are obvious
and two often asymmetrical spines are present distal to each orifice; B, sterile zooids mostly with an avicularium lateroproximally located
to the orifice, note the variability in the number of orificial spines; C, primary orifice; D, communication pores in lateral walls of broken
zooids, and pillar-like rhizoidal projections emanating from the basal surface; E, some zooids with an ovicell; F, uncleaned ovicellate
zooids, note the persistence of the two slender spines; G, the only observed zooid with twin avicularia; H, distal part of a zooid with its

protruding suboral umbo and an incompletely formed ovicell. Scale bars: A, B, E, 500 μm; C, 100 μm; D, F-H, 200 μm.

ZOOSYSTEMA • 2010 • 32 (3)                          461
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