Page 16 - Sella_M_1929
P. 16

Neuparth,   (A Pesca Maritima,     Noo  2^,  1923^, List^a) examining the
         statistics of the tuna fishery of Medo das CascaSj considers that it is
         possible to recognize a cycle of a century in the catch of the Portuguese
         fisheries,    De Buen (Biologia del Atun, Madrid 1925) starts out from some
         very old statistics, those of Padre SarmientOj to deny that there is any
         periodicity whatever identifiable in the catch of the Spanish tuna

                The statistics of Padre Sarmiento do not appear to me to be worthy
         of attention, and in any case I would not base on them conclusions contrary
         to more recent and more reliable statisticso           Apart from the suspected
         progress of the fishery, it must be demanded how Sarmiento came to get
         hold of the data for hundreds of years while even today we cannot succeed
         in gathering complete statistics, and one must remain incredulous in the
         face of the catch of 70,000 tuna taken repeatedly from a single fishery
         (a figure which, actually, is little surpassed in certain years by all of
         Spain, Italy, and Portugal put together )„         Probably these 70,000 tuna
         included also some smaller fishesoooo           How could a tuna trap fishery
         take and salt down more than 1,000 fish every day?

                For my part I have tried to gather all accessible statistical
         material, resorting even to private records and to researches in Archives.
         The most complete statistics are theses


         Fishery of Carlofortej complete data since 1825 and fragmentary earlier
         Saline                         «         "     «   1868    «        «           *


                                         "        »                                      »
         Favignana                                      ««  i878    •»       •»


         Medo das Cascas

                There are besides official Portuguese statistics from 1896, Italian
         from 1886, and Tunisian from '898o

                From this examination various facts emerge which can be summarized
         thus (see the diagram in Fig„       l)%

                a)   The tuna fishery in Italy and in Tunisia has undergone           a_ secular
         fluctuation, in which in Sardinia and Sicily one can identify a peak in
         the second half of the 18th century, a low point around 1820-1830, and a
         new high, in which Tunisia also participated, around 1880, with a new

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