Page 20 - Sella_M_1929
P. 20

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             If J then, the tuna which inhabit all of the immense area described
     above belong to the same race, the reproductive act, which is that which
     determines the physiological reactions most typical of the species, will
     take place in identical conditions, with the movement of the tuna to
                                       We do not know all of these areas ^ and I
     the same spawning grounds o
     believe that there is much to be discovered in this fields but we have
      no indication of their existence outside of the Mediterranean (and even
      of a part of that sea) and outside of a limited part of the Atlantic
     bordering on Spaino

             Taking into account the results of the fishery in the North Sea^
     we can schematize the movements of the adult tuna as follows              (Fig„  2)|

             a    In May-June groups of tuna are within the restricted area of
      spawning situated toward the southern limit         ( Mediterranean , Spanish
     waters jT    In this period the tuna are absent from the northern seas
      and even (although not completely so) from the northern coasts of the
      Mediterranean, with secondary differences of time due to differences
      of habit between the small and large tunao

             b    Successive movements which are centrifugal ^ or more exactly,
     which are directed essentially toward the north, with dispersion of the
     tuna throughout all of the vast area of their habitats             The majcimum
      geographical diffusion takes place in the hottest months of summer            -
      autumn, and especially in September , at least in the Mediterraneano
     The first tuna appear in the Horth Sea at the beginning of Julyo

             c   A new reduction of the habitat with the coming of wintero             We
     have little information on the extent of the winter habitat of the tuna,
     because this is accompanied by a certain shift to deeper levels, but
     it probably undergoes a notable reduction and in any case, in the north
     and in the Atlantic, a displacement, because the tuna disappear com-
     pletely from the North Sea after November or a little later               On the
     coasts of the northern Mediterranean all of the large tuna and almost
     all of the sBiall ones move offshoroo

            d)   _In the period Mkrch-April, immediately preceding the
     spawning season , the tuna meike     a_ new migration, but much more
     limited thaji that of the summer and autumn , toward the northo            The
     tuna reappear en masse on the north coasts of the Mediterranean, and in
     the Atlantic we find them again on the Spanish coast of the Gulf of
     Gasconys   I do not believe that tuna have been sighted farther to the
     north at this season.

            Then there is a new concentration in May and June and a new
     dispersal from the zones to the northo          The small tuna absent them-
     selves a little later, that is in June or Julyo

            There take place, then, two movements of disp ersion, the first after
     wintering , the second , much more extended, after         sj

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