Page 22 - Sella_M_1929
P. 22

"bonito," to be distributed free to the fishermen of the Cantabrian ooast;             "
      as Dr, HeldF announced that he had done with French double hooks for the
        germon" fishermen in Brittany,
             The present researches have shown that the former is the type of
      hook which is actually found most frequently in the tuna, while the
      recoveries of French double hooks are rarer, perhaps because these latter,
      not having any barbs, are more easily lost.

              2)  Taking up an idea of Dr, Steuer's, and considering the
      fundamental importance which oceanographic influences and influxes of
      plankton from the Atlantic have in certain types of biological phenomena,
      I propose a vote of approval "for the creation of an oceanographic
      observatory in the Strait of Gibraltar, with the mission of collecting
      periodically all of the oceanographic data which may serve in the study
      of the reciprocal relations between the two seas, including the transit
      of plankton, and for a knowledge of their seasonal and annual variationso

            (Communicated to the Int« Congress of Oceanography, Hydrography,
             and Hydrology of Seville, 1929).

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