Page 4 - Soldatini2014
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Local and Global Climate Effects on Storm Petrel Demography
Table 2. Results of goodness of fit test for the multistate model.
Test component X2 d.f. P
Global test 48.568 52 0.610
22.264 23 0.504
Test 3G (test for transience) 26.304 29 0.609
Test M (test for trap-dependence) age. More in details, after testing the single effect of the individual
covariates on survival (W) and recruitment (Y) we tested the
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094526.t002 additive effects of different individual covariates and time on
survival (W) and the additive effects of different individual
breeding. For an individual in state B, W2 represents the covariates, time and sex on recruitment (Y).
probability that a breeder survives. After the first capture, pre-
breeders are not observed as they do not attend the colony; Models were fitted with the E-SURGE program [46] (for model
skippers are not present at the colony; we then estimated breeders implementation in E-Surge see Material S1). Model selection was
detection as the detection parameter in the ‘‘breeder’’ state is the based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) [47,48].
product of the probability of not skipping breeding and of the
probability of detection given breeding. Effects of winter climate on survival over time
Because data on environmental conditions are available only
Goodness-of-fit tests [43] were performed using U-CARE [44].
The results of the GOF test are summarised in Table 2. from 2001 to 2010, we used a subset of birds ringed as chicks and
adults in the same period (2918), modelling potential effect of
We analysed 25 model combinations in which Y was modeled covariates only on adults survival. We carried out goodness-of-fit
as a constant or functions of age and time, either singly, additively, for the single state model using U-CARE [6]. Results of the GOF
or with interactions. The model assumes that there are two age test are summarized in Table 4. Due to the presence of transient
classes (juvenile and adult) and there is an age from which the individuals, we used 2-age-class models and a variance inflation
probability to breed ai does not change. Full recruitment age is the factor (c-hat = 1.4). Following the single state, as simplification of
age at which any individual has become a breeder, it is equivalent the scheme reported above, we implemented the model in
to age ‘‘m’’ as defined by Gauthier and colleagues [45], which program E-SURGE [44] (for model implementation in E-Surge
considers age ‘‘m’’ as the age at which recruitment probability can see Material S1).
be considered constant for all subsequent ages. Juvenile survival
and breeder recapture probabilities were allowed to be constant or We analysed 24 model combinations in which W was modeled
to vary with time. as a constant or function of time, we then explored singly and
additively interaction with environmental (external) covariates
We distinguished the first from the following encounter dependent models. The model assumes that there are two age
occasions, as the encounter history is conditional on being caught classes (young, first year of age, and adult, older than 1 year),
in the first period and the following detection probabilities depend survival and breeder recapture probabilities were allowed to be
on the state and the time occasions. We started running a model constant or to vary with time.
assuming that there is no change after 10 years. As we obtained
that after age 7 there is no improvement in model fitting we Model selection procedure: model selection was based on the
reduced the full breeding age to 7 (namely the 6th year of age) Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) [47], adjusted for over-
(Table 3). For a full breeding probability we fixed Y relative to this dispersion (Q). After identifying time-dependent parameters, we
hypothetical age 1. Thus we tested which is the full recruitment investigated the effects of SST and CHL in describing the time
age (probability of becoming a breeder) by fixing to 1 the potential variation with an analysis of deviance (ANODEV) and calculated
age of full recruitment, specifying initial parameter values we the proportion of variance explained by the environmental
constrained beta values before running the model. (external) covariates using the R2 statistic [35].
We tested the time effect on survival and the effect of time and Ethics Statement
sex (the last as group effect) on recruitment only. We limited the Field work was carried out under permission from the Marine
tests in this way because we primarily sexed adults and we have
information on chicks sex only after 2007. Protected Area. Permits included obtaining DNA samples for
Bearing in mind previous results, to assess climatic effects on
survival and recruitment, model selection began with the model
with age and time effects on survival and sex effect on recruitment
Table 3. Selection of the full breeding age (f.b.), only best models are presented.
Model Deviance NP AIC DAIC AIC weight
f. b. year 7 (age 6) 3127.74 29 3185.74 0.00 1.000
f. b. year 5 (age 4) 3224.01 27 3278.01 92.27 0.000
f. b. year 6 (age 5) 3224.01 28 3280.01 94.27 0.000
f. b. year 8 (age 7) 3224.01 30 3284.01 98.27 0.000
f. b. year 9 (age 8) 3224.01 31 3286.01 100.27 0.000
Deviance (Deviance), number of parameters (NP) and AIC [47] are reported. Preferred model is in bold.
PLOS ONE | 4 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e94526