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Local and Global Climate Effects on Storm Petrel Demography
climatic variables (temperature, rainfall, and NAO); c) PCA of the Figure S5 Recruitment probability of males and fe-
breeding season climatic variables (temperature, rainfall, and males storm petrels.
NAO). Abbreviations are as in Table 6. (TIF)
Material S1 Detailed descriptions of model implemen-
Figure S3 Trends of individually based covariates and tation in E-Surge.
demographic traits. a) Time series of climatic indices (DOCX)
considered as candidate covariates in the analysis of survival and
recruitment (PB: Pre-Breeding, B: Breeding, WSR: rainfall, Acknowledgments
WNAO: winter NAO). b). Estimated survival at Marettimo,
confidence intervals in dotted lines. We are grateful to Emanuela Canale, Fabio Lo Valvo, Luigi Pasotti,
(TIF) Marcello Tagliavia and Tomas Lovato. Our thank goes to Ana Sanz
Aguilar whose comments improved a first draft of the manuscript. The
Figure S4 Trends of environmental covariates and comments of three anonymous referees greatly improved earlier drafts of
demographic traits. a) Time series of sea surface temperature, the manuscript. This study was conducted using MyOcean Products.
SST, and chlorophyll concentration, CHL, in the Alboran Sea. b)
Estimated survival and encounter rate at Marettimo’s colony using Author Contributions
Alboran Sea climatic conditions (CI values are nil thus not visible
in the graph). Conceived and designed the experiments: CS YVA OG. Performed the
(TIF) experiments: CS YVA BM. Analyzed the data: CS OG. Contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools: CS YVA BM OG. Wrote the paper: CS
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PLOS ONE | 9 April 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 4 | e94526