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120 L. Campanella et al. / Environmental Pollution 111 (2001) 117±126
All the chemicals used in sample treatments were centrated in the rhizomes than in the leaves (5.81 and
ultrapure grade. The water used for solution prepara- 1.16 mg gÀ1 dry wt. vs. 2.72 and 0.59 mg gÀ1 dry wt.,
tion and cleaning was obtained from a Millipore Milli- respectively) whereas Cu reaches similar levels in both
Q system. All the glassware was cleaned prior to use by compartments (leaves 13.2 mg gÀ1 dry wt., rhizomes 11.6
soaking in 10% HNO3 for 24 h and rinsed with Milli-Q mg gÀ1 dry wt). In leaf material Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn
water. Analytical quality control was performed with concentrations decrease in the following order: leaf
BCR certi®ed reference materials CRM 279 (sea let- tip>whole leaf>leaf basal tissue. In contrast, Cu levels
tuce), 278 (mussel tissue) and 403 (seawater) (Table 2). are quite similar in all leaf sections.
2.3. Statistical methods In both P. oceanica and P. pavonica the highest Cd,
Pb and Zn contents were recorded in the ®fth site, the
Mean metal concentrations were calculated together Favignana harbour (Tables 3 and 4). The organisms
with standard deviations. As far as pooled samples collected in this station also contained high levels of Cr
are concerned, the standard deviations illustrate the and Cu.
variability within dierent replicates, while in the case of
the mollusc analysis they represent the metal content A similar trend was noticed in Monodonta turbinata
variation among individuals. and Patella caerulea (Table 5). The dierences in metal
levels among molluscs collected in dierent sampling
The existence of signi®cant dierences between metal stations were tested by two-way analysis of variance and
concentrations in dierent sites and species was tested turned out to be statistically signi®cant at P level
by a two-way analysis of variance. The comparison <0.001 (Table 6). In particular, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn
between metal contents in organisms collected in the contents in M. turbinata from station 5 were higher than
harbour versus those collected at the other stations those observed in individuals from the other stations
was performed by contrast analysis. In both cases data (Cd: P<0.01; Cu, Pb, Zn: P<0.001). Similarly, Cd, Pb
were log-transformed prior to analysis to achieve and Zn contents in P. caerulea from station 5 were
homogeneity of variances and absence of relation higher than those observed in individuals from the other
between variances and means. Correlations between stations (P<0.001). The two-way analysis of variance
metals and between species were studied on untrans- also revealed signi®cant dierences in Cd, Cu and Zn
formed and log-transformed data (Pearson product- accumulation between the two gastropod molluscs
moment correlation). (Table 6).
3. Results Since data on metal concentrations in macrophytes
and molluscs suggested that some relations may exist
The metal concentrations in the biota are shown in between metals and species, both untransformed and
Tables 3±5. Table 3 reports the data concerning the log-transformed data were tested for Pearson correla-
metal contents in the dierent compartments of Posido- tion. Signi®cant positive correlations (untransformed
nia oceanica. The mean levels of Cd and Zn in the leaves data, P<0.05) were found in the leaves of P. oceanica
are 2.38 and 121 mg gÀ1 dry wt., respectively, while in between Pb and Zn (r=0.96) and in P. pavonica
the rhizomes these metals average 0.75 and 80 mg gÀ1 between Cd and Cu (r=0.93). As regards gastropods a
dry wt. On the contrary, Pb and Cr are more con- signi®cant positive correlation between Pb and Zn
(untransformed data, P<0.05, r=0.95) and a negative
one between Cr and Cu (log-transformed data, P<0.05,
r=À0.89) were found in P. caerulea.
Table 2
Analysis of certi®ed reference materials: certi®ed values and found values (meanS.D.)a
Metal CRM 279 (sea lettuce) CRM 278 (mussel tissue) CRM 403 (seawater)
Certi®ed Found Certi®ed Found Certi®ed Found
(ng lÀ1)b
(mg gÀ1 dry wt.) (mg gÀ1 dry wt.)
Cd 0.2740.022 0.290.01 0.340.02 0.360.02 20.35 2.10 21.10.7d
(108.6)c 1013
Cr (10.7)c 9.30.4 0.800.08 0.730.02 2429
256.424.3 26.00.7d
Cu 13.140.37 12.90.5 9.600.16 9.10.3 25.085.36 1767104
Pb 13.480.36 14.70.4 1.910.04 2.000.05
Zn 51.31.2 503 762 785
a Number of replicates: CRM 279=24, CRM 278=30, CRM 403=5.
b Original values given on a w/w basis were recalculated on a w/v basis.
c Not certi®ed values.
d Values close to the detection limits.