Page 29 - climate-change2013
P. 29

tion numbers) in order to keep track of the condition of   Within each category several indicators can be used to
          their marine environment. Building on this information,   build the required baseline data for assessing the sever-
          the monitoring programme should incorporate climate   ity of climate change impact on MPAs.
          change and its impacts within the standard procedure.
          The results of climate change monitoring supplemented   The choice of which indicators and parameters to moni-
          by observations of coastal and marine condition (i.e.   tor to some extent reflects current knowledge and es-
          physical and biochemical parameters) can then be   timates of climate change impacts, and will need to be
          used to determine causes and effects when changes in   revised in the future. The selected indicators are there-
          marine biodiversity are found.                 fore not intended to be the only ones that should be
                                                         used to monitor the response of marine communities;
          Given the great range and diversity of climate change   they should in fact form part of a broader MPA monitor-
          impacts and the usually limited resources available to   ing programme based on multiple management objec-
          MPAs, a suite of key indicators is needed that can fa-  tives.
          cilitate monitoring and lead to an understanding of the
          impact of climate change on their biodiversity.

                     To be effective sentinels of climate change, these indicators will
                      ideally possess all or at least some of the following attributes:

                 1. They should be few in number and simple: good indicators should be
                    easy to survey and monitor, scientifically sound and technically feasible,
                    inexpensive and reliable.

                 2. They should assist regional monitoring and modelling efforts and focus on
                    issues of relevance to Mediterranean MPA managers in order to answer
                    key questions on biodiversity impacts and/or adaptation planning.

                 3. They should be measured at multiple sites, to enable site comparisons
                    among MPAs, within the local region and across the whole MPA network
                    and Mediterranean basin. Hence, they should also take into account the
                    range of geographical settings under different models and projections

                 4. They should take into account the different vulnerabilities of species,
                    communities and habitats across the MPA network so as to identify
                    target parameters of these species, communities and habitats on which
                    monitoring should focus.

                 5. They should be backed up by time series data that allow for comparisons
                    and  assessments  of  trends  so that  observations  can be reliably

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