Page 52 - climate-change2013
P. 52

Supporting climate change

                     programmes and environmental

                     observation networks

                     Intergovernmental Panel on Climate             Priority Actions Programme/Regional
                     Change (IPCC)                                  Activity Centre (PAP/RAC)


                     The IPCC is the definitive scientific intergovernmental   Climate change adaptation in the coastal zone has
                     body tasked with reviewing and assessing the most re-  been incorporated into the “Marrakesh Declaration”
                     cent scientific, technical, and socio-economic informa-  on Adaptation to Climate Change (UNEP (DEPI)/MED
                     tion produced worldwide relevant to the understanding   IG.19/8 Annex I) and the proposed five-year Programme
                     of climate change.                             of Work of UNEP/MAP of the Barcelona Convention
                                                                    (2010-2015). As part of this programme and the work
                     EU Action against Climate Change               conducted by PAP/RAC, the ICZM Protocol provides an
                                                                    important tool for climate change adaptation through
                                                                    the adoption of prevention, mitigation and adaptation
                                                                    measures to tackle the effects of climate change.
                     At European level a comprehensive package of policy
                     measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has   CIRCLE 2
                     been initiated through the  European Climate Change
                     Programme (ECCP). The goal of the ECCP is to iden-
                     tify and develop all the necessary elements of an EU
                     strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol. The Commis-  EU project (2010-2014) to facilitate cooperation, design
                     sion adopted an EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate   and fund joint initiatives, share knowledge and establish
                     Change in April 2013 to supports action by promoting   a research funding network oriented towards climate
                     greater coordination and information-sharing between   change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.
                     Member States, and by ensuring that adaptation con-
                     siderations are addressed in all relevant EU policies.


                     The EU also addresses knowledge gaps through re-
                     search and the European climate adaptation platform
                     (Climate-ADAPT) that supports adaptation policy and
                     decision making.

                     Regional Activity Centre for Spe-
                     cially Protected Areas (RAC/ SPA)


                     The institutional framework for the challenges and effects
                     of climate change on the marine and coastal biodiversity
                     is the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) for the Barcelona
                     Convention with mainly the Regional Activity Centre for
                     Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) as the  executing
                     agency. The Strategic Action Programme for the Conser-
                     vation of Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean region
                     (SAP BIO) is a strategic action plan for the protection of
                     biodiversity in the coastal and marine Mediterranean re-
                     gions. This action plan, adopted by the Contracting Par-
                     ties  to  the  Barcelona  Convention  in  2003,  considered
                     the impact of climate change on biodiversity as priority
                     activities (Almeria Declaration, 2008).                           G ar Lapsi and Filfla MPA, Malta. Photo: IUCN

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