Page 54 - climate-change2013
P. 54

Tropical Signals Program                       CLIM-RUN

                                                                    EU FP7 Project (2011-2014) that aims at developing a
                     Basin-scale, long-term monitoring programme to detect   protocol for applying new methodologies and improved
                     the expansion or retreat of key species (exotic tropical   modeling and downscaling tools for the provision of ad-
                     species, native warm-water species and native cold-  equate climate information at regional to local scale that
                     water species) in response to climate change.   is relevant to and usable by different sectors of society
                                                                    (policymakers, industry, cities, etc.) in key economic
                     MEDSEA                                         sectors: energy and tourism.

                     EU FP7 project to study the impact of ocean acidifi-
                     cation in the Mediterranean (2011-2014). The project
                     focus on a selected set of key ecosystems and socio-  EU  FP7 Project  to  raise the awareness of  European
                     economic variables that are likely to be affected by both   citizens and society at large to the effects of climate
                     acidification and warming, to provide best estimates   change on the marine environment and its socio-eco-
                     and related uncertainties of future changes in Mediter-  nomic consequences.
                     ranean Sea pH, CaCO  saturation states, and other bi-
                     ogeochemical-ecosystem variables as well as to asses   ClimCares
                     the changes in habitat suitability of relevant ecological
                     and economically-important species.  
                     Climaparks                                     Regional project (2011-2013) focus to assess the poten-
                                                                    tial impacts of climate change on coastal benthic eco-
                                  systems in the Northern Western Mediterranean basin
                                                                    through the acquisition of realistic warming scenarios of
                     Regional project for monitoring and study the effects   the coastal areas at regional scale combined with the
                     of climate change at nine parks (terrestrial and marine)   biological responses to thermal stress. The main output
                     from Slovenia and Italy. It aims at research and raising   of the project is to assess the risk of mass mortality
                     public  awareness  of  climate  change,  conservation  of   events in the NW Mediterranean basin.
                     biodiversity, and sustainable attitude towards the envi-
                     ronment in these protected areas.

                            Water sampling carousel equipped with a CTD (Conductivity-temperature-depth) profiler used
                                for sampling at different depths and equipped with temperature and salinity sensors.

                       Photo: M. Vargas, IEO.

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