Page 21 - qe-07-16-088
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5.8  Labelling the island’s products

                                                   Saaremaa has been creating a label – Made in Saaremaa.
                                                   The aim of the label is to encourage small producers of food,
                                                   beverages and other goods to advertise and make local
                                                   production more visible and more attractive for buyers. Other
                                                   service providers such as hotels and spas can join the label if
                                                   they are using the labelled products in their service provision.

                                                   Currently over 60 producers are using the label.  They
                                                   represent a wide range of products, along with handicraft
                                                   products, cafés and restaurants. The initiative is backed by
                                                   the EU Leader local development group.

                                                   Website for the initiative:
                   Branding local products, Saaremaa, Estonia

               6.  Scientific initiatives to protect the marine

               6.1  Best practice demonstrated during on-site visits

               The EESC studied the Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) in Mallorca, the protection
               and study of marine Posidonia meadows in Favignana, the rescue centre for sea turtles, and the seal

               6.2  Coastal observing and forecasting system

               Oceanography has changed with the emergence of new technologies: whereas previously, work was
               conducted only by boat, nowadays, observing has shifted from single platform to multiplatform
               observation. Located in Mallorca, the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
               (SOCIB) is a joint initiative between the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Balearic
               Islands Government. The infrastructure was the result of public investment, backed by the government
               of the Balearic Islands and the national government.
               SOCIB activities are in the field of science and technology and
               are socially driven. SOCIB is designed to respond to international
               scientific priorities and to society’s increasing need for intensive
               and quasi real-time monitoring and forecasting of the complex
               coastal environment.  The three basic elements of SOCIB -
               the observation facilities, the modelling facility and the data
               centre facility - form a state of the art marine infrastructure that
               is ready to cooperate on cutting-edge research. This EUR 12
               million marine research project located in Palma covers the
               entire Mediterranean basin.
               Ocean observation is based on physical observation (biological   Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting
                                                                                System (SOCIB), Mallorca, Spain
               data such as oxygen and fluorescence). SOCIB is performing
               solid research but responding to social, environmental and economic needs. It has the capacity to
               provide new data in response to social (jelly fish warnings for tourists), environmental (pollution, oil
               spills) and economic needs (fishing activities). SOCIB uses a vehicle with long cables, an Argo profiler,
               an oceanographic boat, a glider (US patent) and an application and forecasting systems for marine
               currents. All the information is freely and publicly available. SOCIB is enhancing capacity through big
               data streaming.

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