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Fattorini & Dapporto
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada / Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 14(2):185-197 (2014)
1. INTRODUCTION The distribution of small islands in the western and
The Mediterranean basin is occupied by almost 12,000 eastern sectors of the Mediterranean Basin is uneven. In the
Western Mediterranean there are some large islands (the
islands and islets (Arnold, 2008). Most of the Mediterranean Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily) with relatively few small
islands have an area less than 3 km2; only 162 Mediterranean islands (usually associated with the largest ones), whereas in
islands are more than 10 km2 large, 15 have an area over the Eastern Mediterranean there are few large islands but an
500 km2, and 9 present an area over 1000 km2 (Morey & extraordinary large number of small islands, especially in the
Martinez, 2000). Adriatic Sea (near the coast of the former Yugoslavia) and in
the Aegean Sea. Placed in the centre of the Mediterranean,
Because of the high “perimeter/area” ratio that the Italian peninsula is at the interface between the Western
characterizes small islands, their environmental diversity and the Eastern sectors. Thus, some Italian small islands are
tends to be mostly represented by coastal ecosystems. Thus, placed in the Western Mediterranean, a few other in the
although small islands occupy only a very small fraction of Eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, Italian small islands vary
Earth surface, they may play an important role in conserving greatly in their isolation (distance from the mainland and/
coastal ecosystems. Usually, the smaller the island, the or other islands) and geographical position with respect to
higher the proportion of coastal valued and/or threatened major island systems and mainland areas which might act
ecosystems (Morey & Martinez, 2000). The total area of the as source of species: for example, some islands are closer to
Mediterranean islands is about 13% of the sea area, but they the Sardinia-Corsican area and North African coasts than to
have a coastal length of 24,622 km, only 15% less than the the Italian peninsular ones. Thus, although not so numerous
mainland coastline. as those forming the Greek archipelagos, the Italian islands
represent a biogeographically very heterogeneous assemblage
In an attempt to achieve sustainability of Mediterranean of areas in most cases under strong human pressure.
coastal areas, fourteen Contracting Parties of the Barcelona
Convention signed the Integrated Costal Zone Management Our knowledge of the biodiversity of Italian small islands
Protocol in 2008, thus recognizing the need for management varies considerably among islands and taxa, so only for the
policies that are based on a holistic viewpoint of the best investigated taxa (such as butterflies, Dennis et al., 2008)
functions that makeup the complex and dynamic nature and archipelagos (such as the Tuscan Islands or the circum-
of interactions in the coastal environment. This Protocol Sicilian islands. Fattorini, 2009a, 2010a) wide comparisons
was then ratified by the European Union in 2010. In 2002, and cross-taxon biogeographical and conservation analyses
the European Parliament and the European Council also are possible. Among the best sampled taxa for which there
adopted a Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone are a large number of well explored islands, the beetles
Management which stressed the need to cover “the full belonging to the family Tenebrionidae are particularly
cycle of information collection, planning, decision-making, interesting for the conservation of coastal ecosystems
management and monitoring of implementation” (http:// because they represent a conspicuous component of the beetle fauna inhabiting Mediterranean coastal ecosystems in
terms of species richness, individual abundance and biomass
As small islands are largely coastal entities of reduced (Fattorini, 2008a; Fattorini et al., 2012a and references
surface, they are areas where the problems of sustainability therein).
are exacerbated (see, for example, Saffache & Angelelli,
2010, for a discussion on the Lesser Antilles case) and Taking advantage of a series of previous researches
present therefore the need for a urgent rethinking about (Fattorini, 2006a, 2008a, 2009a,b, 2011a; Fattorini &
their management (Dias et al., 2010). Coastal ecosystems Fowles, 2005) we were able to obtain virtually complete
in small islands can be threatened by a number of reasons, tenebrionid species lists for most of the Italian small islands
including pollution, coastal land occupation by tourist and to use these data in the present paper to investigate
installations, concrete structures and networks of roads, conservation priorities. For this, we evaluated tenebrionid
population increase and increase in tourist pressure, resulting species vulnerability and used this information to identify
in a general landscape degradation and biodiversity loss the islands that host the most imperilled tenebrionid
(Morey & Martinez, 2000). Rising in sea level due to global communities.
warming is another important threat for coastal habitats of
small islands (see Manne 2013 for a general discussion). 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
With their environment more fragile and vulnerable than We collected presence data on tenebrionid species for 57
that of continental sites of similar areas, Mediterranean
small islands should be therefore considered as valued Italian small islands (Figure 1). These data were obtained
threatened lands, needing special protection (Morey & from literature sources (reviewed in Fattorini, 2008, plus
Martinez, 2000). In terms of biodiversity, small islands data provided in Fattorini, 2009a,b, 2010a, 2011a,b) and
host exclusive assortments of species, sometimes including personal new records.
endemic taxa, usually represented by small populations,
which enhance their conservation value (Fattorini, 2006a; Study islands varied greatly for their size and distance
Whittaker & Fernández-Palacios 2007). Thus, for an from the mainland. Island geographical characteristics are
integrated management of islands it is essential to know given in Table 1 whereas their conservation status is given in
where biodiversity is concentrated and where it is most Table 2. Island area varied from 0.0000249 km2 (a very small
imperilled, in order to prioritise conservation actions and islet in the Tuscan Archipelago) to 223.5 km2 (Elba Island)
adopt the most urgent decisions. (mean ± SD: 12.185 ± 32.669). Distance to the mainland
varied from 0 km (Mount Argentario, a fossil island currently
connected to the mainland by three narrow strips of land) to
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