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Fattorini & Dapporto
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada / Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 14(2):185-197 (2014)

three aspects were evaluated using information provided in        even if they may be largely distributed in other countries.
Aliquò et al. (2006). Geographical distribution was evaluated     This criterion is similar to the IUCN procedure for regional
with reference to the number of Italian administrative            red list assessments (
mainland regions from which each species is known. Species        reg_guidelines_en.pdf ). The BCC calculated using this
occurring in less than four regions (<20% of regions) were        scheme will be referred to as BCC3.
considered as geographically rare. Species associated with
coastal habitats were considered as having restricted habitat        Finally, as a forth criterion, we calculated species rarity
specificity. Species reported as scarce by Aliquò et al. (2006)   using the perimeter of the inhabited islands. In the BCC1
were considered as having scarce populations. Then, an            index, we calculated species rarity on the basis of the number
eight-score scale was created that reflected different types      of occupied islands. However, the islands included in our
of rarity and commonness, and each species was assigned           analysis have enormous differences in size, so a species living
to a score as follow: 1: species that are not rare; 2: scarce     exclusively in a very small island should be considered much
species (i.e. species rare for abundance); 3: species with        rarer than another living in a large island. To explore this
narrow habitat specificity; 4: restricted species (i.e. species   form of rarity, we expressed species rarity as the inverse of the
rare by range); 5: scarce species with narrow habitat             summed perimeter of the islands where the species lives. The
specificity (i.e. species rare for both habitat specificity and   rationale for using island’s perimeter is due to the prevailing
abundance); 6: scarce and restricted species (i.e. species rare   habitat type, i.e. coastal areas, whose extension should be
for both geographical range and abundance); 7: restricted         more related with perimeter than area. Because this index is
species with narrow habitat specificity (i.e. species rare for    intimately related with the BCC1, but uses island perimeter
both habitat specificity and geographical distribution);          instead of island number, we called it BCC1p.
8: restricted and scarce species with narrow habitat
specificity (i.e. species rare for geographical distribution,        The same rarity measures were used to calculate the
habitat specificity and abundance). This weighting scheme         respective BCW indices, which will be refereed to as BCW1,
assigns higher importance to geographical rarity which is         BCW2, BCW3, and BCW1p, respectively.
appropriate for the purpose of our study because species
with a narrow geographical distribution are more vulnerable          To investigate if the four BCC indices are influenced
at a global or regional level (e.g. endemics) (Kattan, 1992).     by island geography, we correlated their values with island
Using this weighting scheme in the BCC calculation, species       area, elevation and distance to the closest mainland using
common for all rarity measures received an α-value of 1,          a Pearson correlation coefficient. For each BCC index, we
whereas species rare for all three aspects received an α-value    considered the islands included in the third quartile of the
of 8. The BCC calculated using this scheme will be referred       distribution of BCC values as priority islands. Then, we
to as BCC2.                                                       compared the various indices to assess the percentage of
                                                                  “priority islands” shared by two or more indices. Finally, we
   In a third approach, we strictly focused on the type of        used ANOVAs to test if islands selected as priority islands
distribution shown by species. For this, we divided the species   by the four indices showed significant differences in their
into the following categories: species endemic to single islands  geographical characteristics, with LSD post hoc tests for
(SIE); species endemic to an archipelago (END); species           pairwise comparisons. The same approach was used for the
occurring on one or more of the study islands, but not on         four BCW indices. Probability levels were set at 0.05 in all
the Italian mainland or major islands (Sardinia and Sicily),      tests.
which is the case of species occurring on the African on Greek
coasts (NIT); species occurring on the Italian mainland or        3. 	RESULTS
major islands with highly fragmented distribution (FRG);             Values of BCC1, BCC2, BCC3, and BCC1p are given in
species that are widespread on the Italian mainland (WID).
For the calculation of the BCC index, the following               Table 3. Values of BCC1 ranged from 0.004 to 0.827 (mean
arrangement of weights was used: SIE (α= 16), END (α= 8),         ± SE = 0.149 ± 0.019). Values of BCC2 ranged from 0.000
NIT (α= 4), FRG (α= 2), WID (α= 1). In this case, weights         to 0.952 (mean ± SE = 0.369 ± 0.034), but only one island
followed a geometric series to take into account various          (Vivara) had a value of zero. Values of BCC3 ranged from
sources of incertitude (see Fattorini, 2006a). In general, it     0.000 to 0.644 (mean ± SE = 0.149 ± 0.023), with nine
is unlikely that species found only on islands will be later      islands having a value of zero. Values of BCC1p ranged from
found also on mainland areas and endemics are obviously           0.0004 to 0.381 (mean ± SE = 0.020 ± 0.007).
an important conservation target in island conservation;
moreover, single island endemics are much more valued than           Values of BCW1, BCW2, BCW3, and BCW1p are
species which occur on more than one island. A the other          also given in Table 3. Values of BCW1 ranged from 0.000
extreme, the assignment of a species to the FRG category          to 0.161 (mean ± SE = 0.029 ± 0.005). Values of BCW2
may be problematic, because it is difficult to establish if a     ranged from 0.000 to 0.225 (mean ± SE = 0.047 ± 0.006),
fragmented distribution reflects a true state of affairs or is    but only one island (Vivara) had values of zero. Values of
due to the lack of knowledge, thus species with an assumed        BCW3 ranged from 0.000 to 0.210 (mean ± SE = 0.028 ±
fragmented distribution have a score only slightly superior to    0.005), with nine islands having a value of zero. Values of
that of widespread species. Finally, the intermediate weight      BCC1p ranged from 0.0002 to 0.3688 (mean ± SE = 0.0264
assigned to the NIT category is due to the fact that species      ± 0.007).
occurring on Italian islands, but not on other Italian areas,
are of high conservation value from a national perspective,          On average, BCC2 attained higher values than BCC1
                                                                  (paired t-test, t = 6.188, p<0.0001) and BCC3 (t = 14.333,
                                                                  p<0.0001), whereas BCC1 and BCC3 did not show a
                                                                  significant difference in their average values (t = 0.025, p =
                                                                  0.980). BCC1p showed lower values than BCC1 (t = 2.299,
                                                                  p<0.0001), BCC2 (t = -10.799, p < 0.0001), and BCC3 (t
                                                                  = -5.967, p < 0.0001).

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