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Fattorini & Dapporto
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada / Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management 14(2):185-197 (2014)
composition. The BCC1 highlighted the conservation The BCC3 index also had a negative correlation
importance of very remote, although faunistically poor, with island elevation. Because this index is based on a
islands, a result also supported by the BCW1 index. These biogeographical categorization of species, this result implies
remote islands host few species as a consequence of their that higher islands host species assemblages with a lower
distance from possible source areas, yet these species have proportion of endemic species. This may be due to the fact
a narrow distribution, occurring on one or few islands. that while endemic species are always a small number, a
Moreover, as indicated by results achieved using BCC1p and higher environmental diversity may promote the presence
BCW1p indices, the faunas of these islands tend to be also of many non-endemic species coming from the mainland.
characterised by species that are distributed on islands whose Because of the increase in the number of non-endemic
summed perimeter determines high rarity scores. This may species, endemics will represent a lower proportion of the
appear surprising, because typically the most remote islands tenebrionid faunas, thus leading to a decrease in the BCC3
are those colonized by animal species with high dispersal index. Interestingly, BCW1 and BCW2 (constructed just to
power, which are also the most widely distributed among cope with potential over-indexing biases for poorest islands)
islands and which should have a total distribution with high were positively correlated with elevation. This indicates that
perimeter. The fact that the most remote islands are usually the negative correlations found for BCC2 and BCC3 may
colonised by widespread species is a common phenomenon be due to the fact that environmentally more diverse islands
and it is at the basis of the nested structure of most island may even have as many or more rare species than the low-
faunas (Dennis et al. 2012; Ulrich et al. 2009). In the case of elevation islands, but because they also have many common
the tenebrionid beetles inhabiting the Italian small islands, species in certain habitats, the average rarity is lower.
two factors may have contributed to this unexpected pattern.
First, tenebrionids tend to be sedentary animals, with low The BCC2 and BCC3 results suggests that islands may
dispersal power, with most of the species found on small be important not only for the presence of several endemic
islands being flightless (Fattorini, 2002, 2008a, b, 2010a). species, but also as ecological refugia for species associated with
This led to uncommon colonization events mostly favored the particular coastal biotopes that have been deteriorated
by past land bridges and to repeated evolution of endemic on more largely populated mainland areas. It should be also
forms (usually considered as subspecies), especially on the noted that BCC indices are not correlated with island area,
most isolated islands. Second, some of the most remote whereas a positive correlation with island area was found for
and highest priority islands are not exclusively sourced two BCW indices (BCW1 and BCW2). Lack of correlation
from the Italian peninsula and major islands but received with island area, however, is not a bias for the BCC index
several elements from the nearer North African mainland itself. For example, for the butterflies of the Italian islands
(Pantelleria, Linosa, Lampione and Lampedusa). Thus, these the islands showing the highest BCC value were the largest
islands host several North African species that are absent from in the sample (Dapporto & Dennis, 2008).
Italy and, hence, from all other islands. Interestingly, while
BCC2 and BCC3 did not correlate with island distance, The islands prioritised by the various indices varied
BCW2 and BCW3 were correlated with island isolation. significantly in their geographical characteristics. In
This is consistent with the fact that endemic species, which particular, the set of islands recovered by the BCC1 index
have high conservation weights, tend to be more numerous had mean geographical characteristics different from those
on the most remote islands, thus increasing the BCW2 and of all other three BCC indices. By contrast, the four BCW
BCW3 values for remote islands. indices recovered similar island sets that were not significantly
different in their mean values for the geographical
Another important result is the negative relationships of characteristics used in this study.
BCC2 and BCC3 with altitude, thus habitat diversity, which
can be explained by the ecology of most of the tenebrionid Although the various indices gave different island
species considered in this study. The BCC2 index included prioritisations, most of the islands included in the third
species’ association with coastal environment as a factor of quartile for two or more of the three indices belong to the
vulnerability in contrast with a broader habitat specificity. same two archipelagos, the Tuscan Islands and the Pelagie
Although some low-elevation islands were occupied by Islands (plus two very isolated islands, Pantelleria and
forests before human exploitation (e.g. Lampedusa), in Ustica, which do not belong to any archipelago). Except
general, flat islands tend to be almost entirely occupied by the Aegadian islands of Marettimo (prioritised by BCW1,
coastal environments, and hence their faunal assemblages BCW2, BCW3) and Favignana (prioritised by BCW1 and
are mainly composed of tenebrionid species that were scored BCW2, respectively), no island belonging to the other Italian
as rare for habitat because of their strict association with archipelagos (Aeolian, Campane, Pontine, and Tremiti) was
coastal environments. By contrast, islands with relatively prioritised by more than one index.
higher elevations tend to be occupied also by non-coastal
environments, such as the high Mediterranean maquis. The In spite of their low levels of endemism, the islands of
occurrence on these islands of tenebrionid species not strictly Ustica and Pantelleria have been prioritised by one (Ustica)
associated with coastal environments determines a decrease and two (Pantelleria) BCC indices, and by all BCW indices.
in the proportion of tenebrionids scored as rare for habitat Despite Ustica and Pantelleria emerged recently, suggesting
in the BCC2 index, which led to a negative relationship that there was not sufficient time for higher endemicity
between this index and island elevation. levels to develop, these islands are located quite far from
Sicily and mainland areas. This characteristic could have
favoured some relatively fast morphological differentiation
in some tenebrionid populations. Actually, one endemic
taxon (Opatrum validum marcuzzii) is known from Ustica
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