Page 5 - vol64-2011-215-222deidun
P. 5

a) Pronotum

b) Elytra

Figure 3. Scatterplots of the two first relative warps scores obtained from the Relative Warp Analysis (RWA) of the
  shape of two external morphological structures. Plots represent the analysis of the shape and show deformation grids
  relative to the axis; a) pronotum: RW1 + RW2 accounted for a total of 81.41%, b) elytra: for a total of 79.62%.
  MAL, Malta, points 1-15 in the plot; SIC, Sicily, points 16-30; VUL, Vulcano, points 31-45.

be excluded and it could be hypothesized that inter-        and small pebbles, with those collected in the circum-
population shape differentiation arose because popula-      Sicilian islands and Maltese archipelago, revealed no
tions are geographically isolated and live under a differ-  such differentiation.
ent set of environmental conditions.
                                                              With reference to the P. bimaculata populations from
  On the basis of subtle morphological differences, Can-    the beaches of the Egadian archipelago, Canzoneri
zoneri (1968) ascribed some Sicilian populations to a       (1970) considered the populations for this species re-
differentiated, infra-subspecific taxon (natio concii).     corded on Favignana and Marettimo to be systemati-
                                                            cally distinct from the nominal subspecies in view of a
  However, morphological comparisons of individuals         darker dorsal coloration, narrower elytra and markedly
from two Sicilian mainland localities (Foce del Torrente    convex elytral intervals. Canzoneri (1970) also stated
Agrò and Oliveri beach), characterized by coarse sand
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