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                       How Sushi Went Global

                      Recently, the federation launched  "Tuna  Day"   Pokimon-have  increasingly saturated North Amer-
                      (Maguro no hi), providing retailers with posters and   ican and indeed the entire world's  consumption and
                      recipe cards for recipes more complicated than "slice   popular culture. Against all odds, so too has sushi.
                      and serve chilled." Tuna Day's mascot is Goro-kun, a   In  1929, the Ladies'  Home Journal introduced
                      colorful cartoon tuna swimming the Australian crawl.   Japanese cooking to North American women, but dis-
                         Despite the  playful contemporary  tone  of  the   creetly skirted the subject of  raw fish: "There have
                      mascot, the date selected for Tuna Day carries much   been purposely omitted.. . any recipes using the del-
                      heavier freight. October 10, it turns out, commem-   icate and raw tuna fish which is sliced wafer thin and
                                                                                     served iced with attractive garnishes.
                                                                                     mese] . . .might not sound so entire-
                                                                                     ly delicious as they are in reality."
                      Fromanexotic, almost unpalatableethnicspecialty,               ~ittlementionofan~~a~anesefood
                                                                                     appeared in U.S.  media  until well
                      then to haute cuisine of the most rarefied sort,               after World War 11.  BY the  I~~OS,
                                                                                     articles on sushi began to show up in
                      sushi has become not just cool, but popular.                   lifestyle magazines like Holiday and
                                                                                     Sunset. But the recipes they suggest-
                                                                                     ed were canapis like cooked shrimp
                      orates the date that tuna first appeared in Japanese   on caraway rye bread, rather than raw fish on rice.
                      literature, in the eighth-century collection of imperi-   A decade lateq howeveq sushi was growing in pop-
                      a1 court poetry known as the Man'yoshu--one  of the   ularity throughout North  America, turning into a
                      towering classics of  Japanese literature. The neat   sign of class and educational standing. In 1972, the
                      twist is that October 10 today is a national holiday,   New York Times covered the opening of  a sushi bar
                      Sports Day.  Goro-kun,                                                  in the  elite sanctum of
                      the sporty tuna, scores a                                               New  York's  Harvard
                      promotional hat trick,                                                   Club. Esquire explained
                      suggesting intimate con-                                                the fare in an article titled
                      nections among national                                                  "Wake up Little Sushi!"
                      culture, healthy food for                                               Restaurant reviewers
                      active lives, and the fam-                                              guided readers to Man-
                      ily holiday meal.                                                       hattan's  sushi scene,
                         Outside of  Japan,                                                    including innovators like
                      tuna, especially raw tuna,                                               Shalom Sushi, a kosher
                      hasn't  always had  it  so                                               sushi bar in SoHo.
                      good. Sushi isn't  an easy                                                  Japan's emergence on
                      concept to sell  to the                                                 the global  economic
                      uninitiated. And besides,                                                scene in the 1970s as the
                      North Americans tend to                                                  business destination du
                      think of cultural influence                                              jour,  coupled with  a
                      as flowing from West to                                                  rejection of  hearty, red-
                      East: James Dean, base-                                                  meat American fare in
                      ball, Coca-Cola, McDon-                                                  favor of  healthy cuisine
                      ald's,  and Disneyland                                                   like rice, fish,  and veg-
                      have all gone over big in                                                etables, and the appeal
                      Tokyo. Yet Japanese cul-                                                 of  the high-concept aes-
                      tural motifs and materi-                                                 thetics of Japanese design
                      al-from  Kurosawa's The                                                  all prepared the world
                      Seven Samurai to Yoda's                                                  for a sushi fad. And so,
                      Zen and Darth Vader's                                                  B  from an exotic, almost
                      armor,  from  Issey                                                      unpalatable ethnic spe-
                      Miyake's fashions to Nin-                                              '5  cialty, then to haute cui-
                      tendo,  Playstation,  and  A dash of civilizations                       sine of the most rarefied
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