Page 4 - Bestor_2000
P. 4

sort, sushi  has  become  not  just  cool,  but  popular.   global popu131-ity as an emblem of  a sophisticated,
                 The painted  window  of  a  Cambridge,  Massachu-   cosmopolitan consumer class more or less coincided
                 setts, coffee shop advertises  "espresso,  cappuccino,   with a profound transformation in the internation-
                 carrot juice,  lasagna, and sushi."  Mashed potatoes   al  role  of  the Japanese  fishing industry.  From  the
                 with  wasabi  (horseradish), sushi-ginger relish, and   1970s onward, the expansion of 200-mile fishing lim-
                 seared sashimi-grade tuna steaks show Japan's grow-   its around the world excluded foreign fleets from the
                 ing cultural  influence  on upscale  nouvelle  cuisine   prime fishing grounds of many coastal nations. And
                 throughout North America, Europe, and Latin Amer-   international environmental campaigns forced many
                 ica. Sushi has even become the stuff of fashion, from   countries, Japan  among them, to scale  back  their
                 "sushi"  lip gloss, colored the deep red of  raw tuna,   distant  water  fleets. With  their  fishing   -
                                                                                                    -  operations
                 to "wasabi"  nail polish, a soft avocado green.   curtailed and their yen for sushi still growing, Japan-
                                                                  ese had to turn to foreign suppliers.
                                                                     Jumbo jets brought New England's bluefin tuna
                 ANGLING  FOR  NEW  CONSUMERS                     into easy reach of Tokyo, just  as Japan's consumer
                 Japan remains the world's primary market for fresh   economy-a  byproduct of the now disparaged "bub-
                 tuna for sushi and sashimi; demand in other countries   ble" years-went   into hyperdrive. The sushi business
                 is a product of Japanese influence and the creation   boomed. During the 1980s, total Japanese imports
                 of  new markets by  domestic producers  looking to   of fresh bluefin tuna worldwide increased from 957
                 expand their reach. Perhaps not surprisingly, sushi's   metric tons (531 from the United States) in 1984 to

                    Sfateless Fish  bers,  including  Atlantic and  Society, and industry groups dis-
                                                  Mediterranean fishing countries  agree  over  how  many  bluefin
                            s the  bluefin  business  and three global fishing powers:   migrate across the Atlantic, and
                            grows ever more lucra-  South Korea, China, and Japan.  whether or not they are all part
                    Ative, the risk of overfish-      In recent years, conservation   of  the  same breeding  stock.
                    ing has  become ever more real.  groups have criticized ICCAT for  What's the big deal? If  there are
                    The question of who profits from  not regulating more aggressively  two (or more) stocks, as ICCAT
                    the  world's  demand  for sushi  to prevent or reverse an apparent  maintains,  then  conservation
                    makes for battles among fishers,  bluefin population decline in the  efforts can vary  from one side
                    regulators, and conservationists.  Western Atlantic. Some activists  of the Atlantic to the other.
                        Bluefin  tuna  have  been  have campaigned to have bluefin   When ICCAT registered a dra-
                    clocked at 50 miles per hour, and  tuna  protected  under  the  Con-  matic decline in  bluefin catches
                    tagged  fish  have  crossed the  vention  on International  Trade  off  North America, it imposed
                    Atlantic  in  about two months.  in Endangered Species, or CITES.  stringent quotas on North Amer-
                    Since bluefin swim across multi-  At least in part to keep that from   ica's  mainly  small-scale fishing
                    ple national jurisdictions, inter-  happening,  Japan  and  ICCAT   outfits. On the European side of
                    national regulations must impose  have implemented new systems  the Atlantic, however, industri-
                    political  order on stateless fish.  to track  and  regulate trade;   al-strength fishing efforts contin-
                        Charged  with writing  those  "undocumented  fish"  from  ued.  American fishers, not  sur-
                    regulations is  the  International  nations that fail to comply with   prisingly, point  to evidence of
                    Commission  for the  Conserva-   ICCAT  regulations are now  cross-Atlantic migration and
                    tion of  Atlantic Tunas  (ICCAT),  banned from Japanese markets.   genetic studies of  intermingling
                    which assigns quotas for bluefin   Regulations,  though,  are  to argue that Europeans need to
                    tuna  and  related  species in the  complicated by how far and fast  conserve bluefin  more  strenu-
                    North Atlantic and the Mediter-  these fish can travel: No one can  ously as well. ICCAT'S  regulations,
                    ranean and directs catch report-  say for certain whether there is   they  argue, protect  bluefin  at
                    ing, trade monitoring,  and pop-  one bluefin  population  in  the   America's expense only, and ulti-
                    ulation  assessments.  Based  in  Atlantic  or several.  ICCAT,  the   mately, fishers from other coun-
                    Madrid  since  its  founding in  U.S.  National  Academy  of  Sci-   tries pocket Japanese yen.
                     1969, ICCAT now has 28 mem-   ences,  the National  Audubon                     -T  C.B.
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