Page 7 - Heritage Italia Magazine n 4
P. 7

Chiesa Matrice

Archaeological finds leave no doubts. Close to “Cala S. Nicola”, north-east side of the island, is the “women’s bath “, a
large square bath excavated on limestone rock receiving sea water by a tunnel; signs of mosaic and works construction
methods are dated back to Roman age.. Close by are various caves utilized by the inhabitant for shelter and sacred purposes,
showing pre-historic paintings and Punic engraving works, also some tombs either Punic or Christians evident signs of old

More “Cale” of superb beauty wind along its jagged coast more o less frequented or known; “Cala Rossa”, “Cala Azzurra”,
“Grotta Perciata”, “Il Burrone”, “Cala Stornello”, “Cala Rotonda”.
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