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K. Lambeck et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (2004) 1567–1598

Italian Peninsula and across its adjacent seas because of     Acknowledgements
glacio-hydro-isostatic effects and sea level cannot be
represented by a single time-dependent curve for the             We thank A. Amorosi, M. Anzidei, R. Auriemma, G.
region. The latitudinal dependence is mostly a conse-         Belluomini, A. Camerlenghi, B. Carulli, R. Chemello, A.
quence of the Earth’s delayed response to the past            Correggiari, G. Dai Pra, G. Leoni, L. Ferranti, R.
deglaciation of the northern ice sheets but this is           Marocco, G. Mastronuzzi, P. Orru" , R. Pagliarulo, A.
modulated by the response to the concomitant change           Pappalardo, P.A. Pirazzoli, P. Romano, and F. Trin-
in water load to produce the variability illustrated in       cardi for discussion and assistance in abstracting the
Fig. 12. The spatial differences are significant through-      Holocene and MIS 5.5 data.
out and greater than many of the observational
uncertainties. At all sites eustatic–isostatic sea levels     Note added in proof
have not exceeded their present level at any time in the
Holocene and where observations indicate highstands              In a more recent rebound solution mountain glacia-
then the location has been subject to tectonic uplift.        tions have been included using the limits and ice
                                                              volumes defined by G.H. Denton and T.J. Hughes
   For many of the coastal locations considered in this       (The Last Great Ice Sheets, Wiley, NY, 1981). The
study it has been possible to make first-order corrections     contribution to sea level change is significant only in the
for the tectonic contributions to relative sea-level change   Northern Adriatic and the Gulf of Genova with
with the assumption that average uplift or subsidence         amplitudes of 4–5 m at 12ka BP and 1–12 m at 6 ka BP.
rates have remained the same for the Holocene as for the
entire last glacial cycle. Predictions of the total relative  References
sea-level change based on this assumption and on the
eustatic–isostatic model predictions are broadly consis-      Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Antonioli, F., Belluomini, G., Ferranti, L.,
tent with the observational data from most of the 31              Improta, S., Manfra, L., Proposito, A., 1992. Risultati preliminari
sites considered. This agreement holds for the entire             relativi alla datazione di speleotemi sommersi nelle fasce costiere
range of biological and archaeological sea-level markers          del Tirreno centrale. Il Giornale di Geologia 54 (2), 165–193.
considered. In particular, the model predictions are
consistent with the observations from the most complete       Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Antonioli, F., Belluomini, G., Improta, S.,
record, the Plain of Versilia. Where major discrepancies          Manfra, L., Preite, M., 1996. La curva di risalita del Mare Tirreno
do occur, such as at Fondi or Marettimo, they cannot be           negli ultimi 43 ka ricavata da datazioni su speleotemi sommersi e
attributed to any aspect of the eustatic–isostatic model          dati archeologici. Memorie Descrittive del Servizio Geologico
because other data from nearby localities and for similar         Nazionale 52, 235–256.
epochs do lead to agreement with the model predictions.
At these sites the model predictions can be used to test      Amorosi, A., Colalongo, M.L., Pasini, G., Preti, D., 1999. Sedimen-
hypotheses about the environmental conditions at time             tary response to Late Quaternary sea-level changes in the Romagna
of deposition or formation. At least at two sites,                coastal plain (N. Italy). Sedimentology 46, 99–121.
Taormina and Scilla, and possibly at Capo Rizzuto,
the comparisons indicate that the assumption of               Antonioli, F., Oliverio, M., 1996. Holocene sea-level rise recorded by
uniformity of the tectonic uplift may not be valid, that          fossil mussel shells in submerged speleothem in the Mediterranean
the average rate for the Holocene has been about twice            Sea. Quaternary Research 45, 241–244.
the average rate for the past 125,000 years. For the
remaining sites subject to uplift, as established from the    Antonioli, F., Leoni, G., 1998. Siti archeologici e Loro Utilizzazione
elevation of the MIS 5.5 shorelines, this assumption              Quali Indicatori per lo Studio delle Variazioni Recenti del livello
appears to be valid within the resolution of the data. For        del Mare. Il Quaternario 11, 122–139.
sites where the MIS 5.5 evidence is ambiguous, such as
Volturno and Marettimo, the comparisons can be used           Antonioli, F., Leoni, G., 2000. Technical report ENEA for the
to identify which observations are most likely to be the          Environmental Ministry, Project 4.8(3b), with CD containing map
correct ones.                                                     of 33 plains, Risk assessment of coastal flooding by the sea of
                                                                  Italian coastal plain. 45pp.
   Some systematic discrepancies between observed and
model-predicted sea levels from stable sites have been        Antonioli, F., Dai Pra, G., Hearty, P.J., 1988. I sedimenti quaternari
identified, and the observational data for the region,             nella fascia costiera della Piana di Fondi (Lazio meridionale).
particularly that from tectonically stable sites, provide         Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana 107, 491–501.
constraints on the eustatic sea-level function that are
consistent with the evidence from other localities. Rapid     Antonioli, F., Belluomini, G., Ferranti, L., Improta, S., 1994. Il sito
global melting continued until about 7000 years ago but           preistorico dell’arco naturale di Capo Zafferano (Sicilia). Aspetti
ocean volumes continued to increase until at least 3000           geomorfologici e relazione con le variazioni del livello del mare. Il
years ago (Fig. 6).                                               Quaternario 7, 109–118.

                                                              Antonioli, F., Cinque, A., Ferranti, L., Romano, P., 1996a. Emerged
                                                                  and submerged Quaternary marine terraces of Palinuro Cape
                                                                  (Southern Italy). Memorie Descrittive del Servizio Geologico
                                                                  Nazionale 52, 390–410.

                                                              Antonioli, F., Ferranti, L., Lo Schiavo, F., 1996b. The submerged
                                                                  Neolithic burials of the Grotta Verde at Capo Caccia (Sardinia,
                                                                  Italy) implication for the Holocene sea-level rise. Memorie
                                                                  Descrittive del Servizio Geologico Nazionale 52, 290–312.
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