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Climex Maps - explanatory notes

palaeontological analysis; moreover, eleven       core are given by Barra et al. (1996) and the
biomarker samples (8 shell fragments, 1 peat      calibrated ages span the interval from 4.8 ka at –
sample, 1 Cerastoderma glaucum valve and 1        3 m to 7.4 ka BP at -8 m " from Lambeck et al.,
fragment of C. caespitosa) were collected for     2004.
chronology with 14C AMS dating. The dated         6 Palinuro Promontory.The analyses on serpulids
samples were correlated with backshore            overgrowths that coverd submerged speleothems
deposits and shallow marine environment           in sea caves at Palinuro promontory allowed to
                                                  reconscruct the sea level rise data at Palinuro
Fig.2b Palaeogeographic reconstructions           promontory during Holocene. The samples were
at 20 ka cal BP for Italy (from Lambeck et        collected by scuba diving at depths from -18 to -
al., 2004).                                       49 m measured with a digital depth gauge
deposits; the palaeobathimetry of these           Speleothems from the Scaletta cave were
samples may be estimated at about +2/-4 m.        sampled at depths between 27 and 48 m and
Marine shells between -3 and –33.7 m yielded      yielded ages from 8.4 to 10.2 ka cal. BP (Alessio
calibrated ages in the interval 7.4 – 8.6 ka cal  et al., 1992,1996, Antonioli & Oliverio 1996).
BP.                                               7 Catania Plain. A stratigraphic and sedimento-
5 Volturno Plain. "The Volturno River coastal     logical study, accompanied by 14C AMS dating,
plain formed during the Holocene as a complex     has been carried out by means of three boreholes
of beach-ridges and flat back-barrier             in the most depressed coastal sector of the
depressions                                       Catania Plain, the Pantano di Lentini. The
with lagoonal sedimentation. Lagoonal facies      boreholes showed that clear lagoon deposits,
have been found in a core located at 2.5 km       constituted by dark organic silts, are present only
from the present beach over a depth range of      in the upper 2-3 m. Moreover, 14C AMS dating
10 m. Radiocarbon ages of peats found in this     on pulmonate gastropod indicated an age not
                                                  older than 2.5 ka for these deposits. The
                                                  remaining sediments, down to the Lower-Middle
                                                  Pleistocene marly clayey substratum reached at
                                                  depths variable between -20 and -39 m, are
                                                  represented by infralitoral beach deposits
                                                  containing rare lagoon levels. The 14C AMS dating
                                                  on shell fragments collected at various depths
                                                  suggested an Holocene age, between 6.4 and 9.3
                                                  ka, for these deposits (Monaco et al., 2004).
                                                  8 Sybari Plain. "Archaeological excavations on
                                                  the Sybari alluvial plain have led to the
                                                  identification of three superimposed levels of
                                                  occupancy from the 6th to the 1st century BC: the
                                                  ancient Greek town of Sybaris, the Hellenistic
                                                  town of Thurium, and the Roman Copia. This
                                                  plain forms a graben that runs in an ENE-WSW
                                                  direction, bordered by regional fault systems.
                                                  The upper part of this depression is filled with ~
                                                  400 m of deposits consisting of sands including
                                                  fine clay-sands, coarse gravels and peat levels at
                                                  various depth. A core from the plain yielded 14C-
                                                  based ages in the interval 5.3 to 11.1 ka cal. BP
                                                  for peats and marsh deposits from depths of 3 to
                                                  55 meters below sea level (Cherubini et al.,
                                                  2000)", from Lambeck et al., 2004.
                                                  9 North Adriatic. "The northern part of the
                                                  Adriatic Sea is characterised by a shallow sea-
                                                  bottom morphology (at 30-50 m depth) with
                                                  sediments deposited by the Po River in the
                                                  immediate offshore area. The low shelf gradient
                                                  and the lower sediment input near the central
                                                  part of the basin results in significant landward
                                                  shifts of depositional environments at times of
                                                  sea-level rise. In consequence, successive
                                                  backstepping sequences do not completely
                                                  overlap. Furthermore, transgressive deposits are
                                                  not always covered by younger highstand
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