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Climex Maps - explanatory notes

sediments and they can, therefore, be              brackish-water environments) and the inner
selectively sampled using conventional gravity     margin of the lagoon/estuary (boundary between
and piston coring (Correggiari et al., 1997).      brackish and continental environments).
Sediment cores from a number of sites have         11-12 Caorle an Marano Plains. "Several cores
yielded 23 depth-age data points within the        have been drilled in different lagoons between
depth interval from 26 to 52 m with                Venice and Trieste in which lagoonal shells and
radiocarbon-based ages of 9.3 to 12.9 ka cal.      marsh deposits have been identified. Radiocarbon
BP." from Lambeck et al., 2004.                    analyses indicate ages from 0.9 to 9 ka cal. BP at
10 Po Plain. A very high-resolution stratigraphic  elevations of –0.90 to –8.30 meters
framework for the subsurface of the Po Plain       (Marocco,1989; Galassi and Marocco, 1996)"
has been constructed in the last decade on the     from Lambeck et al., 2004.
basis of 27 14C dates from several tens of cores,  13 Cagliari Plain. Tree cores have been drilled in
at 40-200 m depth, which were made available       lagoonal-marine sediments, in which lagoonal
by the Geological Survey of Regione Emilia-        shells have been identified. Radiocarbon analyses
Romagna. This excellent data set provides a        indicate ages from 2 to 10.4 ka cal PB at
unique opportunity to depict the complex           elevations of -2 and -32m. The predicted sea
scenario of transgressive depositional             level curve of this site is in particular agreement
environments during the Holocene in the            with observed data (Orrù et al., 2004).
subsurface of Ravenna (Amorosi et al., 1999),      14 Sardinian beachrock. "A great number of well-
Ferrara (Amorosi et al., 2003) and Rimini          conserved palaeo-shorelines have been
(Amorosi et al., 2004) coastal areas, showing      discovered in northern Sardinia on the
evolution from an early transgressive coastal      continental shelf up to depths of -120 m. De
plain/lagoonal environment (12-10 ka cal BP)       Muro and Orrù (1998) observed beach deposits
to a backstepping barrier-lagoon system, with      (sandstone and conglomerates) on an erosional
lateral transition to a wave-dominated estuary     platform of crystalline bedrock at depths ranging
(up to approximately 7 ka cal BP); this was        from 0 to 55 meters from two main localities;
followed by extensive delta progradation during    Orosei and northern Sardinia. The chronology
the ensuing highstand phase. Reconstruction of     has been established from 14C dating of the
3-D stratigraphic architecture beneath the         carbonate matrix that was considered to
modern coastal plain, combined with                correspond to early-stage magnesium-calcite
radiometric data from inland locations (Preti,     cementation, with samples ranging in age from
1999; Amorosi et al., in press) enables a          0.2 up to 9.7 ka cal. BP at progressively deeper
precise identification of shoreline position at 8  depths of 0 to 29 m below present sea level"
ka cal BP, with a further distinction between the  from Lambeck et al., 2004.
nearshore zone (boundary between marine and
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