Page 13 - 36 Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily
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          F. Antonioli et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 3–18


0                                                                                               7.1

-10          5.1 5.3                                                     5.5
                                                                                  mean LU age:

-30 146.8 ±28.7

-40                                                                      6.5
-60 m        5.2 5.4
-80          mean EU age:
                88.2 ±19.5

 -90      4


-120                                                       Age, ka and M.I.S.
          10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

          Fig. 9. Waelbroeck et al. (2002) sea level curve with the ESR data and error bars.

dating (between 92.175 and 180.2710.8 ka concluded:                      an elevation of 16 m, well controlled by the Lithophaga
‘‘the age variations observed between different teeth is                 band.
not consistent with their stratigraphic ordering within
the site. The most likely date for the samples is between                   For the sites at Taormina (24), Capo d’Alı` (25) and
the EU and LU model ages, from late oxygen isotope                       Capo Peloro (26) we consider elevations of, respectively,
stage 6 to early oxygen isotope stage 4’’. However, if we                115, 140, and 110 m to be correct for the inner margins
consider not only the ‘‘youngest’’ age of the continental                of these ‘‘Tyrrhenian’’ terraces. This disagrees with the
samples, but all the EU and LU ages published by                         Catalano and De Guidi (2003) and de Guidi et al. (2003)
Rhodes (1996), and if we compare these data with a                       estimates for the elevations of the same places that
global sea level curve (Fig. 9, Waelbroeck et al., 2002),                employ a different geomorphological interpretation to
the Rhodes ages (including error bars) do not appear to                  arrive at inner margin elevations of 180, 210 and 140 m
allow a precise interpretation of the age of the terraces.               for MIS 5.5. We base our interpretation on field surveys
Thirdly, we disagree with the Bianca et al. (1999)                       of the inner margins in the Taormina area (Figs. 5 and
interpretation that the ESR data strongly suggests that                  3C, D) study of 1:10.000 aerial photographs, and the
the Akradina terrace and deposits should be correlated                   ESR age of the fossils sampled at 105 m on the 31 order
to the MIS 5.1 highstand. We are concerned that ESR                      terrace (Fig. 4). We also visited the cave described by
dating produces ages with an uncertainty range of the                    Bonfiglio (1981) and found inside the cave at 140 m the
order of 720 or 30 ka. This dating technique should be                   Vermetid (Dendropoma) reef described in the Bonfiglio’s
used only when other methods are ruled out. This is not                  paper. This deposit, however, is not associated with any
the case for the coast at Augusta (10 km from Contrada                   terraces. For sites 25 and 26 we studied aerial photo-
Fusco); Di Grande and Scamarda (1973) and Di Grande                      graphs and, on geomorphological grounds, made a
and Neri (1988) found more than one S. bubonius in situ                  correlation with the terrace at Capo Peloro that contains
in a normal fossil beach containing many circalittoral                   S. bubonius and preserves the inner margin at 110 m.
fossils, this deposit occurs on a well-defined terrace with
a inner band of lithophaga borings that reaches +16 m.                      The explanation of why the South coast does not
In this same coastal site Bianca et al. (1999) put the MIS               preserve evidence of uplift remains uncertain, although
5.5 terrace at 60 m, apparently ignoring the terrace                     there are at least two different interpretations: (1) the
containing S. bubonius, the well-known Mediterranean                     relatively weak bedrock is easily eroded and possible
marker of this marine highstand. In view of the above                    terrace features and recent sediments have not been
points we prefer not to use the datum of Contrada                        preserved, (2) there is tectonic subsidence. We believe
Fusco, so therefore the inner margin at 32 m is                          the second of these possibilities could be correct: the
correlated to MIS 5.5. We use the elevation of the                       Grande Terrazzo Superiore (GTS) studied by Ruggieri
MIS 5.5 terrace at Augusta–Monte Tauro that occurs at                    and Unti (1974) is a very wide terrace (probably
                                                                         polygenic in origin) well developed on W and SW coasts
(footnote continued)                                                     of Sicily (Fig. 1). On the basis of the micro- and
that all uranium in the tooth was adsorbed early in the burial history,  macropalaeontological content of the deposits that
whereas in the linear uptake (LU) model it is assumed that the uptake    overlie this terrace, and on the lithologies into which
was continuous and constant throughout the burial history.               the terrace is cut, Ruggieri et al (1975) considered it to
                                                                         be younger than the Calcarenite di Marsala (of Sicilian
                                                                         age, about 930 ka) and older than the first Middle
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