Page 8 - 36 Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily
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10 F. Antonioli et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 3–18

Table 2
New AAR analyses details at Cefalu` (Figs. 1 and 3D) showing MIS 5 age for the deposits

Sample     Meters b.s.l.  Amount  Ratio Aile/Ile                                         Mean values standard  Age MIS
                                                                                         deviation             5.1–5.3
CEFALU’ 1  6.970.5        g.7,1   0.32                                                   0.3170.02
CEFALU’ 2                         0.29                                                                         5.1–5.3
           9.970.5        g.7     0.34                                                   0.3470.02


Fig. 3. Field photographs of key sites showing MIS 5.5 features. (A) Geomorphological expression of MIS 5.5 terrace surface at Taormina, at
+110 m. (B) Modern Dendropoma reef at Capo St. Vito, showing a crak due to transcorrent fault. (C) And (D) MIS5.5 terrace at Taormina,
showing terrace deposits with a dated fossil (C), and the morphological expression (arrow) of the terrace upon which Taormina town is built. (E)
MIS5.5 tidal notch in Marettimo at 7.2 m demonstrating the stability of the coastline during the Late Quaternary in this area. (F) Glycymeris shells
analysed using AAR analyses, correlated to Aminozone A/C at Cefalu` . (G) a transgression of MIS 5.5 calcarenite containing S. Bubonius on the
Rosso Ammonitico formation (Giurassic) containing fossil Ammonites, west coast of Favignana island (Egadi).
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