Page 11 - 36 Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily
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F. Antonioli et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 3–18

Fig. 7. (A) Marine terraces at Milazzo. (B) An Holocene fossil marine gastropod, uplifted at 2 m at Milazzo. (C) A late Holocene marine notch
uplifted at 5 m, at Taormina. (D) St. Vito tidal notch. (E) Ganzirri the Holocene conglomerate hosting marine gastropods uplifted at 0.7 m.

Therefore the Holocene deposits and geomorphology           rates (Monaco et al., 2004) of about 0.5 mm/yr.
can be compared with MIS 5.5 evidence to determine          However, due to scanty MIS 5.5 data, comparisons of
any changes in tectonic activity during the time since the  rates are not possible.
last interglacial. New published data (Stewart et al.,
1997; Rust and Kershaw, 2000; Antonioli et al., 2003,       5. Discussion
2004b; Gringeri et al., 2004) have extended the tectonic
record into the Holocene by using cores and uplifted           In many sites around Sicily the elevation of MIS 5.5
and laterally extensive marine notches (with radio-         appears to be well defined and with good age control
carbon-dated biological sea level markers) allowing         provided by the presence of S. bubonius. Dating using
comparison of uplift rates using as reference sea-level     U/Th, AAR or TL methods (Fig. 8) has helped to
curves the relative sea level local curves published by     clarify some uncertain sections. However, there are
Lambeck et al. (2004) for Sicily.                           some sites where assignment to a chronological position
                                                            is based only on geomorphological correlation. In
   The western sector remains a quasi-stable coastline      response to these variables we adopt a quality rating
during Late Holocene. On the eastern sector it is           in order to highlight where data are excellent (A), scarce
possible compare some sites of late Holocene uplift         (C) or intermediate (B). Some sites where there is
with the MIS 5.5 and in all sites the uplift rates are      disagreement over the chronological interpretation of
always higher (between 1.6 and 2.4 mm/yr in eastern         the terraces, and sites 20, 24, 25, 26 (Table 1) are
coast), such that the uplift rate has increased, with an    discussed below.
acceleration between 97% up to about 154% (Table 3
and Fig. 7). The Catania Plain yields Holocene uplift
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