Page 6 - 36 Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily
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Table 1                                    Dating method                   Elevation marker               Elevation  Error  Uplift  Quality  References      ARTICLE IN PRESS
Summary of dated sites from this study                                                                    (m)        (m)    rate    factor
                                           Amino acid on Glycymeris V.     Beach deposit                                    mm/ka            This paper   8 F. Antonioli et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 3–18
Site Locality                              Amino acid on Arca s.p.         Tidal notch                    29         70.5           B        1
                                           Strombus b.                     Beach deposit                  7          70.5    176    A        2
 1 Cefalu`                                 Strombus b.                     Beach deposit                  10         75         0   B        3
 2 Capo Zafferano                          TL on marine sands              Inner edge                     2          75        24   B        4
 3 Palermo town                            TL on marine sands              Beach deposit (infralitoral)   12–18      73             A        4
 4 Palermo Capo Gallo                      Strombus b. and U/Th ages       Tidal notches                  5          73     À40     A        5–9
 5 Castellamare-Terrasini                  Strombus b. and U/Th ages       Inner edge marine terrace      3–8        70.5      88   A        5–9
 6 Castellamare Cala Bianca                Geomorphological corr.          Inner edge marine terrace      11–14      71.5           A        This paper
 7 San Vito lo Capo NE side                Strombus b.                     Beach deposit (infralitoral)   14–20      71.5   À16     B        10
 8 San Vito lo Capo W side                 Strombus b.                     Beach deposit (infralitoral)   5          75         8   B        11
 9 M. Cofano-Trapani                       Strombus b.                     Beach deposit and tidal notch  2          75        56   B        12
10 Trapani tonnara S.Giuliano              Senegalese fauna                Tidal notches                  2–5        75             A        8, 9,12,13
11 Trapani Birgi                           Strombus b.                     Inner edge marine terrace      5.0–8.2    70.5    104    A        12, 14
12 Levanzo                                 Strombus b. and str. correl.    Inner edge marine terrace      3–11       71.5   À16     A        10, 15–17
13 Marettimo                                                                                              35         73     À40     C
14 Favignana                                                                                                                À16
15 Marsala, Torre Scibiliana-                                                                             15         75
                                                                                                          4          75         8
                  Mazzara del Vallo                                                                       5          75        32
                                                                                                          34         75      224
Mean uplift rate Sector 1 (NW) 37.5 mm/ka
16 Pachino                                 Strombus b. and str. Correl.    Beach deposit                  32         75        64   B        18
17 S. Lorenzo                              Geomorphologic correlation      Beach deposit                  16         71.5   À24     B        This paper
18 Avola/L. Arenella                       Geomorphologic correlation      Beach deposit                                    À16     B        This paper
19 Coste di Gigia (Sr)                     Geomorphologic correlation and  Beach deposit                  165        75      216    C        31
                                           older continental fauna
20 Contrada Fusco                          ESR on mammal teeth             Inner edge marine terrace                         200    B        20, 21
21 Augusta Mt. Tauro                       Strombus b.                     Inner edge marine terrace                           72   A        This paper,
                                                                                                                                             20, 21, 22
Mean uplift rate Sector 3 (SE) 85.3 mm/ka  Lava age 180 ka                 Inner edge marine terrace                        1264    B
22 Catania (Leucatia)                                                                                                                        23
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11